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Define the Accumulation Formula for a Strategic Objective

Define the Accumulation Formula for a Strategic Objective

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Define the Accumulation Formula for a Strategic Objective

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mouse_24 Exercise 126: Define an Accumulation Formula for the Product Image Strategic Objective in US West Coast Scorecard.


BTN_AR131. Open the Dentorex Group Scorecard model.
BTN_AR132. On the Model Navigator frame, click the btn_expand_hierarchy buttons to expand the scorecard hierarchy and select the US West Coast scorecard:


BTN_AR133. On the Scorecard Navigator frame, click the btn_expand_hierarchy button next to the Customer perspective to expand the element hierarchy and double-click the Product Image strategic objective:


BTN_AR134. The Element Properties window opens. On the General tab, click the Value settings field and choose Max - 3 ranges - Forecast:


BTN_AR135. Similarly, click the Period level field and select Quarter.
BTN_AR136. Switch to the Series tab.
BTN_AR137. Highlight the Actual series:


BTN_AR138. On the Input Type field, select Formula and click Define.


BTN_AR139. The Formula window opens. Remove the formula that is currently in the window by selecting it and pressing the Delete key.
BTN_AR1310. Click the Function button and select Average:


BTN_AR1311. Click the Elements and Series button and select Product Image Among Consumers > Actual:


BTN_AR1312. Similarly, select the Product Image Among Retailers > Actual.
BTN_AR1313. In the formula field, add a comma and a space between the series:


BTN_AR1314. Click OK and answer Yes to the recalculation question.

See the Formulas section in QPR Metrics - User's Guide for more information about using formulas.