Referenced elements inside a model are called 'Reference Elements'.


mouse_24 Exercise 136: Create a Reference Element.


BTN_AR131. Open the Dentorex Group Scorecard model.
BTN_AR132. On the bottom of the Model Navigator frame, click the btn_scorecard_navigator to open the Scorecard Navigator.
BTN_AR133. In the Model Navigator frame, click the btn_expand_hierarchy button next to the Dentorex Group scorecard to expand the scorecard hierarchy.
BTN_AR134. Select the USA Sales Office scorecard.
BTN_AR135. In the Scorecard Navigator frame, expand the Customer perspective completely by clicking the btn_expand_hierarchy buttons.
BTN_AR136. Select the Product Image Among Consumers measure, and on the Home tab of the ribbon, click the btn_copy Copy button:


BTN_AR137. In the Model Navigator frame, select the Europe Sales Office scorecard.
BTN_AR138. In the Scorecard Navigator frame, expand the Customer perspective completely by clicking the btn_expand_hierarchy buttons.
BTN_AR139. Right-click the Product Image Among Consumers measure and select Paste as Reference from the pop-up menu:


For more information, see the Reference Elements section in the Copies/References Window topic in QPR Metrics - User's Guide.