QPR Knowledge Base 2017.1

Compilation Elements

Compilation Elements

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Compilation Elements

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There are two kinds of elements: compilation elements and sub-elements. Any element that has other elements below it is a compilation element. The elements below the compilation element are its sub-elements. Compilation elements use formulas to compile element data from its sub-elements and produce a compilation result. Therefore, compilation elements can be used to get an overview of the situation in a specific area of the organization.


An element can act as a compilation element and a sub-element at the same time, if it has an element above it and an element (or elements) below it. The top element, the element highest in the element hierarchy, is the compilation element of all other elements in the scorecard.


An example

Two sub-elements are measuring sales figures. The compilation element above them takes this information and calculates an average, which will be shown to you. In a scorecard with lots of elements, the top-most scorecard element can show you an overall view based on all the information below it.



Defining Data for Compilation Elements


A compilation element summarizes the values of all of its sub-elements. The system calculates the value for the compilation element with the use of a formula. The formula must contain all elements that you want to have included in the compilation element.


An example

Let's say you have a compilation element titled Sales Process, with the following 3 sub-elements: Hit-rate, Number of new customers per month, and Number of first class customers. The compilation element, Sales Process, can get its value from a formula which calculates the average of the values of these three sub-elements.


Take a look at how the formula works in practice.