The Dashboards view toolbar contains the following options:
Select Model |
Opens the Select Model window. |
QPR Metrics Client |
Opens the QPR Metrics Client application. This is visible only if user has rights to use client application and "Opening QPR Client applications from QPR Portal" is enabled from QPR Configuration Manager. |
Opens the current view for printing. |
Bookmark |
Allows you add the current view to your list of QPR Portal bookmarks. |
Add to Basket |
Opens a view for selecting items that will be put into the basket from the current view. |
Copy Link |
Copies the URL link of the current view to the clipboard for sharing (Internet Explorer), or shows a dialog from where the link can be copied. |
Actions |
Opens the action view for the scorecard. In this view, you can see all actions currently linked to the scorecard, and you can also create new ones. |
Show/Hide PG Links |
Toggles the visibility of QPR Modeling Client object links. |
Edit |
Changes the view to editing mode, in which there are input boxes for all displayed fields for which the input type is "Value is typed in", which, in QPR Metrics, have been defined as editable in QPR Portal, and for which you have rights to edit the values. In the edit mode, click the Submit Values button to submit any changes you have done to the values and to close the editing mode. When using Microsoft Internet Explorer, a popup for editing the value will open when clicking an editable value field. Clicking OK in the popup will close the popup and apply the values, but you still need to click the Submit Values button, whereas clicking OK and Submit in the popup will close, apply and submit the values. |
Note that the Edit functionality is available only with SVG, not with Silverlight. |
Export to Office |
Opens the Export to Office tool frame. This is visible only if QPR Web Services Foundation is installed and available. |
Series |
Opens a dialog that allows you to select the series shown in the view. This selection affects also other views where series selection is available. |
Series can be selected in the window by clicking the series name. Clicking "Cancel" will close the window without changing the series. Note that this selection may not affect all series displayed in the view, see Locking and Offset with Periods and Series for more information. |
View |
Opens a dialog that allows you to select the view that is applied in the dashboard view. The view is defined in QPR Metrics client. In addition to QPR Metrics views, the list can contain links to dashboards created with QPR Modeling Client. Please see the QPR Metrics Training Guide for more information. |
A view can be selected in the dialog by clicking the name of the view. Clicking "Cancel" will close the dialog without changing the view.
Period |
Opens the Period Selection view for selecting the period that is displayed in the view. This selection affects also other views where period selection is available. Note that this selection may not affect all periods displayed in the view, see Locking and Offset with Periods and Series for more information. |
Help URL: https://kb.qpr.com/qpr2017-1/index.html?usingthestrategymap.htm