A child model is a model that uses a base model. Only Server models can use base models. By setting a Server model to be based on a base model, you can use existing modeling options of the base model in your Server model. This way you can save time when modeling the child model and you can retrieve and reuse the information of an existing model (i.e. the base model).
A child model can use the modeling options, common model elements (Information Items, Organization Items, Resources and Stores), element types, view settings, and modeling languages of the base model.
When creating a child model, the main diagram element type of the base model is inherited to the child model. By default, the main diagram element is the subprocess type but it can also be some other process step type. Note that other attributes of the process step are not inherited, only the process step type. If the main diagram element type is changed in the base model, it is not updated to the child model. However, if you change the base model to another, the child model inherits the main process level element type of the new base model.
Any user can select a base model for a new model when the model is created. However only QPR Modeling Client administrators can create a base model and change the base model of a model.
Creating a Child Model
Connect to Server and click the New button in the quick access toolbar. In the New Model dialog, select the Base Model option. Click the Browse button and select a base model from the Server. Click Open. Click OK in the New Model dialog.
If you have already created a Server model and want to start using a base model, open the Server Model Options page of the Modeling Options dialog and click the Browse button. Select a base model from the list and click Open. If you prefer not to use certain base model elements, uncheck the corresponding Use from base model checkboxes. Click OK in the modeling options dialog. Note that the settings of the base model affect the child model and certain model elements may be deleted. If you have created a model from a file template, save the model on the server first, and then apply the base model to the model as instructed here.
If you want to remove the base model, click Remove in the Server Model Options page of the Modeling Options dialog. Click OK. If you have used base model elements in the current model, a dialog appears asking if you want to merge the base model elements into the current model. If you click Yes, all the base model elements remain in the model. If you click No, all the base model elements will be deleted from the model.
Settings for a Child Model
You can choose to publish the model by checking the Publish model option. To further define the Web Publishing settings, click the Web Style Sets... button to open the Web Styles dialog.
To select a base model, click the Browse button. It opens the list of base models in the Server. Select a base model and click Open. A relative path appears in the Base model for current model field, containing the name of the base model.
Depending on the settings of the base model, you may be able to use some or all of the following model elements from the base model: Information Items, Organization Items, Resources, and Stores. If an element is disabled (i.e. the corresponding checkbox cannot be checked), its use has been denied by the base model. If elements are enabled, you can choose to use it in your model by checking it.
If you prefer not to use some base model elements, just uncheck the corresponding element. This enables you to create elements that have no relations with the base model and its settings.
Working with a Child Model
All model elements, except for Information Items, Organization Items, Resources, and Stores, can be added into child models in a normal way. The degree to which the Information Items, Organization Items, Resources, and Stores can be edited depends on the settings of the base model.
If the base model settings allow full usage of the abovementioned elements (i.e. in the modeling settings of the base model all Allow usage of checkboxes are checked and none of the items are checked Read only), the base model's elements can be utilized and also new elements can be created. However, the base model's elements cannot be edited.
If any of these items are marked Read only in the base model settings, only the elements that exist in the base model can be added into child models. If Element types has been marked Read only in the base model, element types used in the model cannot be changed, added, or deleted.