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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client Training Guide > Server Connections and Working Offline

Connecting to the Server, Opening a Model, Saving a Model

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mouse_24 Exercise 41: Connect to a QPR BizArchitecture Server.


BTN_AR131. Open the Application menu by pressing the btn_application_menu Application menu button, select Server > My Computer (Default). The Login to QPR BizArchitecture Server dialog will open.
BTN_AR132. Type 'qpr' to the Login Name field and 'demo' to the Password field, and click OK or press Enter.

Note that when you are running a standalone installation, connecting to the server is automatic, i.e. the Login to QPR BizArchitecture Server dialog will open when you start QPR Modeling Client.


mouse_24 Exercise 42: Open a model from server.


BTN_AR131. From the Application menu, select Open > Server model:


Alternatively, you can click the Open model button in the Quick Access Toolbar pic_qat_open or press Ctrl+O.

The QPR BizArchitecture Server dialog displaying the models stored on the server will open.


BTN_AR132. In the dialog, select a model by clicking it and click Open. Alternatively, you can double-click a model to open it.


mouse_24 Exercise 43: Save a model to server.


Note that you need to have a model open before you can save it.


BTN_AR131. From the Application menu, select Save. Alternatively, you can click the Save model button in the Quick Access Toolbar or press Ctrl+S.
The QPR BizArchitecture Server dialog displaying the models stored on the server will open.
BTN_AR132. In the dialog, type a name for the model and click Save or press Enter.


mouse_24 Exercise 44: Open a file model when a server connection is active.


BTN_AR131. From the Application menu, select Open > File model.
BTN_AR132. Browse through your hard drive, select a model and click Open.


mouse_24 Exercise 45: Save a model to a file when a server connection is active and use a password to protect the file model.


Note that you need to have a model open before you can save it.


BTN_AR131. From the Application menu, select Save As > File Model.
BTN_AR132. A dialog will open asking if you want to protect the file model with a password. Click Yes.
BTN_AR133. Type the password to the fields New Password and Retype New Password and click OK.
BTN_AR134. Select a location for the model on your hard drive, type a name for the model and click Save.