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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client User's Guide > Model Elements > Information Items

Creating Information Items

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In addition to using the Information Item dialog, you can add information items to the model by drag-and-dropping a file or a directory from the Windows Explorer, for example.


To add an information item by using the drag-and-drop function, simply select a file or a directory from the Windows Explorer, the desktop or wherever the file is located by clicking it with the left mouse button and holding the button down while dragging the mouse pointer over the desired part (for example, over model element in diagram view, over process step in the diagram hierarchy of the model navigator or over information item in the information hierarchy of the model navigator) of the model and releasing the button. After releasing the button you are asked whether to add the information item as a linked or as an embedded file.


Related topics:

Refreshing Embedded Information Items