Field Name |
Description |
Information Item |
The information item's name. |
Symbol |
The information item's unique symbol. |
Linked/Embedded |
Defines whether the information has been linked or embedded into the model. |
Description |
Information item's description. |
Information Item Type |
Information item's type. |
Information Item Location |
Information item's location. |
Parent Information Items |
Information items above the current information item in the hierarchy. |
Child Information Items |
Information Items below the current information item in the hierarchy. |
Used in |
Defines the process step(s) where the information item is used. |
Transferred Between |
In the case the information item is connected to a flow, the flow's source (from) and destination (to) process steps are listed here. |
Model Name |
Name of the model where the information item is included in. |
Created |
Date and time when the model was created. |