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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client User's Guide > Simulation > Running a Simulation

Diagram Animation During Simulation

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The diagram (elements and connectors) is animated during simulation. The animation is controlled by the timer in the simulation queue. At the timer tick, the simulation time is run forward the necessary amount of time, the activations are processed in the time order and the new ready percentage for the active activations is calculated. Finally the diagrams are updated.


A vertical line moves horizontally inside the boundaries of the symbol of the element for every active activation of the same element indicating the progress of the activation. The number of suspended activations for the element is calculated. If this number changes, the old number is removed and a new one is written (if > 0). The number is written on the bottom left corner of the box. Finally the indicators for the unprocessed incoming connectors are written. The unprocessed connectors are indicated by a circle at the arrow connection point, the size of the circle indicating the number of unprocessed connectors.


The connectors can be animated using the transfer icons or using diamonds.


When an activation ends, the animations of the activation on the elements and connectors are removed. After the animations have been removed, the background bitmaps in the arrows are deleted.


If the diagram is repainted during the simulation, all the animations are also redrawn on the screen.