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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client User's Guide > Simulation > Analyzing Simulation Results

Generation of Simulation Reports

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There are four reports that can be generated from the simulation, full report, process steps report, flows report and resources report. The full report is generated during the simulation. The other reports are generated after the simulation run has been completed from the simulation data stored in the objects. For the full report, a new report file is created when the simulation is started. The report has an indent level controlled by the model objects. In addition, when the full report is selected to be generated, a separate cases_<report filename> report is generated as well. This additional report contains the simulation cases in a different logging format that can be used e.g. when using QPR ProcessAnalyzer.


These reports can be viewed by selecting the report from the Reports drop down menu in the Simulation group on the Model tab or on the Simulation tab of the ribbon. The available reports and their location depend on the simulation options used for the last simulation run. When a report is selected, QPR Modeling Client opens the default viewer for text files to show the contents of the report.


Here is an example of a section of the full report.

0d 0:00:00: Process step is activated : "Make an order"

           The processing time will be : 1d 0:00:00

1d 0:00:00: Process step has been processed : "Make an order"

             Flow is activated : "Order"

             The processing time will be : 0d 6:00:00

1d 6:00:00: Flow has been processed : "Order"

             Process Step : "Receive order", Flow received : "Order"

               Process step is activated : "Receive order"

               The processing time will be : 2d 2:28:02

                 Resource : "Sales personnel", reserved by : "Receive order", Amount : 1

                   Resource : "Sales manager", reserved by : "Receive order", Amount : 1

                   Resource : "Sales manager", available : 1

3d 8:28:02: Process step has been processed : "Receive order"


Note: Reports are overwritten with each new simulation run. If you need to save report file, either rename it or copy it to some other location before rerunning the simulation.