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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

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Link QPR Modeling Client and QPR Metrics Models

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A QPR Modeling Client model and a Metrics model can be linked together. This link will allow you to see indicator information from Metrics in the Processes tab in QPR Portal and similarly the Metrics measures in QPR Portal can provide links to corresponding process steps and other model elements. Currently the following elements can have linked Metrics measures: process steps, information items, notes, information stores, material stores, and connectors. Note that even though the links are established in the QPR Modeling Client, they can be utilized only in the QPR Portal.


In order to use the Metrics linking, you need to have QPR Metrics installed and utilizing the same QPR Web Application Server as QPR Modeling Client. You will also need access to Metrics models or at least you will need to know the correct scorecard and measure symbols.