The view settings for a Matrix view can be modified in the View Settings dialog accessible by clicking the View Settings button on the View tab of the ribbon when the Matrix view is open.
The General tab shows the name and the Description of the view settings. These can be freely modified.
Select the Publish in Portal check box to publish the Matrix view in QPR Portal.
System Relation
Select System relation to enable the internal fixed relations of QPR Modeling Client to be used in a relation matrix. This allows you to define relations in the Matrix view by selecting corresponding check boxes. However, there are some exceptions:
•Resources allocated to, allocated resources, resources in a group, and resource groups will show the resource allocation instead of the relation check boxes.
•Read-only functionality for Attached elements and the elements they are attached to.
•Functionality for flows is read-only unless dealing with an instance-specific matrix. Flows can only be connected in the matrix, not disconnected.
•Functionality for organization units of process steps and process steps of an organization unit is read-only unless dealing with an instance-specific matrix.
From the Attribute type drop-down menu, select the custom attribute or system relation to be used to display the matrix cell values. Depending on the selected attribute type, some additional options are selectable:
•For Enumerated custom attributes: The Order of values option will sort the values in the same order as they are in the enumerated custom attribute, whereas the Alphabetical option will sort the values based on the name of the enumerated value.
•For Relation custom attributes: The Values as matrix cell values option will make each matrix cell display the name of the element to which the matrix cell has a relation. Note that while the cells in this mode can be modified, any changes to the relations are not applied to the model itself, i.e. all modifications are for presentational purposes. To alter the relation mappings in the model, use the "Values as row element attribute values option". The Values as row element attribute values option will make each matrix cell define whether there is a relation from the matrix row element to the matrix column element. Checking and unchecking a cell will then toggle the relation to the row object. Note that the row element must have the same relation attribute the matrix uses, directly linked to it and the relation must not be renamed in the element type properties.
Select Connector to make the matrix view display flow relations between elements.
From the Connector type drop-down menu, select the type of connector(s) you want to show in the flow matrix. The flow type can also be changed when viewing the flow matrix by selecting a different type on the View Settings group in the View tab of the Ribbon. Changing the Connector type on the Ribbon doesn't modify the View Setting itself. If you want to publish the view in QPR Portal, you must select a Connector type in the View Settings. In addition, it's not possible to change the Connector type in the view published to QPR Portal.
Rows and Columns
The selections on the Rows and Columns tabs define the elements that are shown as the matrix rows and columns. The tab is divided into two groups: Hierarchy and Elements.
The Hierarchy group defines the hierarchy where the elements to be shown are taken:
•Elements of type: selecting this will make the elements of the type selected in the Elements group to be shown.
•Custom set: selecting this will make any element of any type shown once it is dragged from the Navigator view to the matrix.
•System hierarchies: selecting one of these hierarchies will make the matrix show the elements of the corresponding fixed element types.
•Navigator views: selecting one of these views will make the matrix show the elements as defined in the corresponding Navigator view.
The Instance specific values option defines whether the values are shown for elements (unselected) or for element instances (selected).
The Hide empty rows / columns option defines whether empty cell rows or columns are hidden or not.
Row and Column attributes
The Row attributes and Column attributes tabs are used to select which additional attributes of the elements are shown in the matrix. Click the Add button to add an additional attribute to be shown and select the attribute from the drop-down list under the Attribute column. QPR Modeling Client displays the row element attributes as additional columns in the matrix and the column element attributes as additional rows in the matrix. These attribute values cannot be edited in the matrix view, only the actual matrix cell values can be edited. The column element attributes are not included in sorting when the matrix is sorted by column. The column element attributes are always displayed as the topmost rows in the matrix in the order they are defined in the matrix view settings. Click the Remove button to remove an additional attribute from the matrix. Click the Up and Down buttons to change to order of the attributes.
Note: If the matrix view settings are edited simultaneously by multiple users, the latest saved changes will override all previous changes.