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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client User's Guide > Models

Modeling Options

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The modeling notation can be customized using modeling options. Modeling options are used to define which model elements are used for modeling, which symbols are used to represent these model elements and whether modeling is done horizontally or vertically. These modeling options can be changed in the Modeling Options dialog.


Process Step Types

An essential part of modeling options is the process step types. Process step types are used to classify the process steps. Examples of common classifications include: activity, decision and subprocess or human activity and machine activity. Usually own symbol is used to represent each process step type. Process step types can be created, viewed and modified in the Process Step Type dialog.


Custom Element Types

Custom element types are process step types that allow more choices for defining the modeling notation than the system process step types. Custom element types can be created, viewed and modified in the Custom Element Type Dialog.


Connector Types

Connector types are used to classify the connectors, for example flows. Typical classifications can be for example, control flow, information flow and material flow. Connector types can be created, viewed and modified in the Connector Type dialog.