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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Introduction to New Features > User Experience Improvements

PD/EA: Diagramming Improvements (306851, 306849)

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In the QPR ProcessDesigner / EnterpriseArchitect, the following diagramming improvements have been made.


Find Dialog Improvements

When opening the Find dialog, the find field is automatically activated.

The search results in the Find dialog now show the element type name instead of the generic “element”, “process step”, “flow”, etc.

In the Find dialog, the element properties dialog can be opened by double-clicking an element in the search results list.

It's now possible to search only from certain attributes or element types.

There's now an extended search syntax for searching for the given attribute containing the given value.

It's now possible to show an item selected in the search results in the Navigator View. If a Navigator View is active (when the search is performed), and "On Navigator" button is clicked, the element that is selected in the search results list will be selected in the active Navigator View (if that element exists in current hierarchy).

It's now possible to show the search result as Navigator hierarchy. If a Navigator View is active (when the search is performed), and "As Hierarchy" button is clicked, the search results are shown in the Navigator View (as a list), using the column settings of currently active view settings.


Diagram View Improvements

The diagram now prefers connecting to non-connectors over connectors when creating or moving a generic connector. This is done to prevent accidentally connecting a generic connector to another connector when trying to connect it to an element with multiple incoming/outgoing connectors.

Element(s) are kept selected on diagram when the user cancels name editing using the ESC key, or when the user performs an undo operation. A second ESC key press after name editing will clear the selection.

Paste as instance - the pasted instance is snapped to grid

Diagram view tool palette is not updated during paste operation, only after the paste operation has been completed. This removes/reduces tool palette blinking during paste.

When an element is selected on a diagram, the incoming/outgoing connectors are highlighted.

Clicking at Diagram view Alt-click selects all elements of same type on Diagram:

oWhen you Alt-click an element on a diagram, all elements of that type become selected

oWhen you Shift-Alt-click (or Ctrl-Alt-click) an unselected element on a diagram, all elements of that type are added to current selection

oWhen you Shift-Alt-click (or Ctrl-Alt-click) a selected element on a diagram, all elements of that type are removed from current selection

A new "Reset Symbols" button at Diagram view Property explorer (next to All Properties) can be used to reset one or multiple selected element's symbol property, e.g. "MO1138133902_1" to "MO1513511497". If the default symbol is already in use in some other element, the symbol will not be changed.

It's now possible to drag and drop process steps, custom elements, and stores in the Process hierarchy, in both Diagram Explorer and Navigator views:

oDrag and drop inside the hierarchy view

oDrag and drop to Diagram

There no is a new keyboard shortcut for Paste Stencil: Shift-Ctrl-V

A new item to Navigator View hierarchy (and diagram view hierarchy) popup: Copy Path. Copies the path of the selected element to clipboard as text, where the path items are separated by / character. For example: "Dentorex 2/Purchasing/Purchase materials/Accounts Payable"