The second way is the bottom to top approach, where you first model the subprocess content and then combine the content into a subprocess element. To do this, select the elements you want to include into the subprocess, right-click a process step, and select Create Subprocess from the pop-up menu.
The process steps are then combined into a single subprocess you can name.
Checkpoints A checkpoint is a vertical or a horizontal line on the flow chart. Its role is to indicate timing or phasing in the process model. It can also be used to manage the space of the view. To create some space between two process steps, add a checkpoint between the process steps and then drag the checkpoint away from the other process step.
Process Explorer
Property Explorer The Property Explorer is a tab based view on the bottom of the Flow Chart view. It provides quick access to most of the properties that reside in the properties dialogs of different elements. The visibility of the Process Explorer can be toggled by clicking the View Property Explorer button on the View tab of the ribbon.
Adding Information Items A quick and easy way to attach documents, files, or directories as Information Items to the model is to drag and drop them from where they are located for example to a process step. QPR Modeling Client will then ask whether you want to embed the files or to have a link to the file location.
Information items can also be added by clicking the Add button on the Information Items tab of the Element Properties window. To access this window, right-click an element on the flow chart and select Set Process Step Properties from the pop-up menu. Views in QPR Modeling Client QPR Modeling Client features five different views for modeling processes and examining the model: the Flow Chart view, the Navigator view, the Analysis view, the Report view, and the Presentation view. You can access these views by clicking on the appropriate button on the View tab of the ribbon.
Flow Chart View The Flow Chart view visualizes the flow of the process. You can define and select the view settings for the Flow Chart view from the tools accessible on the View Settings group on the View tab of the ribbon.
Presentation View QPR Modeling Client features a full screen Presentation View for the flow chart. To open the Presentation View, click the
Navigator View The Navigator view provides a quick and easy way to see the whole process model and find connections between the model elements. You can define and select the view settings for the Navigator view from the tools accessible on the View Settings group on the View tab of the ribbon.
Publishing a Model in QPR Portal Publishing a server model in QPR Portal is simple, just click the
User Rights To assign user rights for the model, click the
User rights can be assigned for the model, the process levels in a model, and for folders on a QPR BizArchitecture Server.
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