Exercise 46: Creating a new QPR Modeling Client model.
 | 1. Start QPR Modeling Client and login to the QPR BizArchitecture Server. |
 | 2. In the Introduction dialog, select the A new model radio button from the Create section and click OK. The New Model dialog will open. |
 | 3. Select the Default settings template and click OK. |
In case the Introduction dialog is disabled, a new model can be created in the following way:
 | 1. Start QPR Modeling Client and login to the QPR BizArchitecture Server. |
 |  2. Click the Create New Server Model button on the Quick Access Toolbar: |
 | 2. Click the Create New File Model button on the Quick Access Toolbar: |
 | 3. The New Model dialog will open. Select the Default settings template and click OK. |
You can also use the Application menu to create a new model:
 | 1. Start QPR Modeling Client and login to the QPR BizArchitecture Server. |
 | 2. Click on the Application Menu button and select New from the menu: |
 | 3. The New Model dialog will open. Select the Default settings template and click OK. |

Exercise 47: Open a model.
 | 1. From the Application menu, select Open > File model: |
Alternatively, you can click the Open model button in the Quick Access Toolbar
or press Ctrl+O.
The Open dialog displaying the models stored in the default models folder will open.
 | 2. In the dialog, select a model by clicking it and click Open. Alternatively, you can double-click a model to open it. |

Exercise 48: Save a model.
Note that you need to have a model open before you can save it.
 | 1. From the Application menu, select Save. Alternatively, you can click the Save model button in the Quick Access Toolbar or press Ctrl+S. |
| The Save As dialog will open. |
 | 2. In the dialog, type a name for the model and click Save or press Enter. |
Exercise 49: Use the selection tools.
 | 1. Open the Dentorex - Quality Management System model. |
 | 2. On the diagram click an element to select it. The shape handles will become visible when the element is selected: |

 | 3. Click on the diagram near an element, hold the mouse button down, and drag the mouse so that some elements are inside the rectangle that is shown. |
 | 4. Release the mouse button. Elements inside the rectangle are now selected. |
 | 5. On the Home tab of the ribbon, click the button next to the Select button to open the selection tools menu. |
 | 6. Select Lasso Select from the menu. |
 | 7. On the diagram, press the mouse button down and draw a line around some elements: |

 | 8. Release the mouse button. Elements inside the drawn area are selected. |
 | 9. Press Ctrl + A. All elements on the diagram are selected. |
Exercise 50: Copy, paste, resize, move, delete elements and undo actions.
 |  1. Start QPR Modeling Client and click the Create New Server Model button on the Quick Access Toolbar and select the Default settings template. |
 | 1. Start QPR Modeling Client and click the Create New File Model button on the Quick Access Toolbar and select the Default settings template. |
 | 2. On the Tool Palette, click the Activity drawing tool and then click on the diagram. An activity process step is created. Name the process step as "Activity 1" |
 | 3. On the diagram, click the Activity 1 element to select it. |
 | 4. Copy the Activity 1 element to the clipboard either by clicking the Copy button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab of the ribbon, or by pressing Ctrl+C. |
 | 5. Click somewhere on the diagram to choose where the element will be pasted. |
 | 6. Paste the Activity 1 element either by clicking the Paste button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab of the ribbon, or by pressing Ctrl+V. |
 | 7. A copy of the Activity 1 element will appear on the diagram. Drag and drop the element with the mouse to move it: |

 | 8. Resize the Activity 1 element by dragging either a corner or a side of the element: |

 | 9. Select the element you just copied and delete it either by clicking the Delete button in the Editing group on the Home tab of the ribbon or by pressing the Delete key. |
 | 10. Undo the deletion either by clicking the Undo button in the Editing group on the Home tab of the ribbon or by pressing Ctrl+Z. |