In the Find window you can search for text in the currently open model. To open the Find window, click the Find button on the Home tab of the ribbon or press Ctrl+F.
Basic Search Syntax
To perform a basic search, simply enter the desired text in the "Find what" box and then click the Find button.
You can apply the following Options to the search:
•Match case: only search for text that matches the exact capitalization of the text that you enter in the "Find what" box.
•Whole words only: only search whole words that are not part of larger words.
•Filter types: only return element(s) whose element type matches the provided comma separated list of element type names.
•Filter fields: search only in the comma separated list of element attribute fields provided.
oFor the Filter types and Filter fields options, note the following:
▪Don't add spaces around the separating comma character.
▪If the type name or field name contains a comma character, the name must be quoted using double-quotes (e.g. My, type -> "My, type").
▪If the type name or field name contains a comma character and a double-quote character , the name must be quoted using double-quotes and the quote character must be duplicated (e.g. My, "quoted" type -> "My, ""quoted"" type")
▪The type and field names are not case-sensitive, but otherwise require an exact match, i.e. searching for "Process" will search only elements of type "Process", not "Sub-process" or "Core process".
Note that wildcard searches are not available (but see Extended Search Syntax below). Therefore performing a search with the asterisk symbol "*" in the Find what box will simply search for occurrences of the asterisk symbol "*" in the model.
Extended Search Syntax
The extended search is used to search for the given attribute containing the given value. When the extended search is used, selections in the Options section are ignored. The extended search syntax is "\\\(<attribute name>=<attribute value>)"
•\\\: signifies that this search is an extended search. These backslashes are removed from the actual search when the search is performed.
•<attribute name>: name of the attribute to search. Case insensitive. If the attribute name contains an equals sign (=), it must be escaped or the whole attribute name must be in quotes. Note that the attribute name should be given in the currently selected user interface language (e.g. "name" when English, "nimi" when Finnish).
•<attribute value>: the value of the attribute to search.
Backslash is used as the escape character. " and \ characters must be escaped, i.e. \" and \\.
Whitespaces around <attribute name> and <attribute value> are removed, i.e. ( attribute = value ) and (attribute=value) perform the same search. If the attribute name or attribute value must contain white spaces around it, the value must be quoted - (" attribute with spaces " = " value with spaces ")
By default the comparison in the extended search is a "contains" comparison, i.e. <attribute name> contains <attribute value>, and the comparison is not case sensitive. This can be controlled by additional qualifiers at the beginning of the search operation:
•Plus character + is used to indicate case sensitive matching: \\\(+name=Risk) matches with "Risk" and "Quality Risk", but does not match "risk" or "Quality risk"
•Hash character # is used to indicated exact match: \\\(#name=Risk) matches with "Risk" and "risk", but does not match "Quality Risk" or "Quality risk"
oBoth qualifiers can be used at the same time: \\\(#+name=Risk) matches with "Risk", but does not match "risk", "Quality Risk" or "Quality risk"
•!= can be used to indicate unequality: \\\(name!=risk) matches any value that does not contain text "risk", \\\(#+name!=Risk) matches any value except "Risk".
•! is also a generic not operator: \\\!((element type=risk) or (element type=control)) returns all elements whose type name does not contain "risk" or "control".
•Binary operators and, or can be used to build more complex queries
o\\\(name=quality) and (#element type=risk) matches any element or type "risk" where name attribute contains "quality"
oMultiple conditions can be used and they are evaluated from left to right, e.g. \\\(a=b) and (c=d) or (e=f) and (g=h) equals \\\(((a=b) and (c=d)) or (e=f)) and (g=h)
•Parenthesis can be used for grouping, e.g. \\\((a=b) and (c=d)) or ((e=f) and (g=h))
Find dialog: "Process" search results
Once you have clicked the "Find" button to perform a search, any results found are displayed in a table at the bottom of the window. Each row of the table displays the name of the "Element" in which the text was found, the "Type" of the element in which it was found, and, in the "Found in fields" column, the property fields in which the text was found.
To display a particular search result, select it from the table and then click either of the buttons in the "Show" section. Selecting to show "On Diagram" displays the element in which the text was found, selected on the Diagram. Selecting to show "Properties..." displays the properties dialog of the element in which the text was found. The properties dialog can also be opened by double-clicking an element in the search result. Selecting "On Navigator" is possible when the Navigator view was active when the search was performed. When "On Navigator" is selected, the element that is selected in the search results list will be selected in the active navigator view, if that element exists in current hierarchy. Selecting "As Hierarchy" is possible when the Navigator view was active when the search was performed. When "As Hierarchy" is selected, the search results are shown in the Navigator view (as a list), using the column settings of currently active view settings. Changing the view settings, or performing operations like undo will stop the showing of search results, and display the regular navigator view hierarchy. Note that the currently active filter is applied - in case you are wondering why navigator view is not showing the results
Note that the search does not cover text elements and checkpoints.