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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

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SharePoint Hierarchy [Deprecated in release 2016.1.0]

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The SharePoint hierarchy shows the folder hierarchy and the documents on the defined SharePoint document site. The shown information is metadata, i.e. the documents are not brought into QPR Modeling Client until they are dragged from the hierarchy to an element.


Documents and folders can be dragged from the hierarchy to the elements on the diagram. If the target element supports information items, the dragged items will be instantiated as information items under that element. Otherwise, they are created as information items that are not associated to any diagram element.


Right-clicking the hierarchy name on the Views list will open a pop-up menu where you can either refresh the hierarchy or login to the SharePoint site as another user. Refreshing the hierarchy can also be done by pressing the F5 key.


Right-clicking a document in the hierarchy will open a pop-up menu where you can choose to edit or do a checkout for the document.


Double-clicking a document will open it.