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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

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Text Box Properties for Connectors Dialog

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This dialog is accessible through the Connector Graphical Properties dialog. In this dialog you can define the settings for the text box that contains the connector's name. This allows perfect customization of the appearance of the diagram. You can customize the following settings:


Shown attribute

This section is visible only for texts displaying custom attributes, and here you can select the desired custom attribute type defined for the connector type from the drop-down menu.


Text box position

By default the name of the connector is placed near the starting point of the connector. However, if you remove the check mark from the "Use default position" check box, you can customize the position. In addition, if you move the connector's label, the "Use default position" check box is automatically unchecked and the relative to start/end point options are selected according to the label's position. If you move the label within a 25% radius of the start or the end point of the conector, the "Relative to start/end point" option is changed accordingly. In the case you move the label outside the two radii, the last "Relative to..." option is used and the values defined accordingly. The options include:




Relative to start point

The values defined in the Left and Top fields are distances from the starting point of the connector.

Relative to end point

The values defined in the Left and Top fields are distances from the ending point of the connector (so the Left defines how far the left border of the text is from the ending point of the connector).

Relative to point from start

The value between 0 (start) and 100 (end) defines the text box position relative to the starting point of the connector. The values defined in the Left and Top fields are distances from the starting point of the connector. When the "Allow change only in relative position" check box is selected, moving the text box with the mouse on the diagram will change the percentage, not the "Left" and/or "Top" position of the text box.


The distance (in pixels) between the starting (or ending) point of the connector and the text.


Defines how far away from the top border (in pixels) the text is under the connector.


Text box size

By default the text box is resized automatically to fit the text. However, if you remove the check mark on the Resize automatically to fit the text  check box you can define the text box's width and height in pixels.


Text properties

In the text properties field you can use the drop-down menu to define how the text is aligned (left, centered, or right). The Font button opens a menu where you can define the font and its properties.


Other field properties

For custom attributes of the enumerated type, you can select the enumerated value to be shown as an image in the diagram view by selecting the "Show enumerated value as image" option. To enable this, the image has to be defined in the properties of the enumerated attribute value (see Creating and Modifying Custom Attribute Types). Select the "Rotate image with connector angle" option to have the image rotate according the the angle of the connector.


For relation attribute values you can select various display options:

Show value as name: Displays the name(s) of the related item(s)

Show value as icon: Element type icon(s) of the related item(s) is shown

Show value as shape: Element symbol(s) of the related item(s) is shown. Select also the "Maintain aspect ratio" option to maintain the symbol's aspect ratio regardless of the shape of the text box. Note that the shape used here is the actual symbol of the element, which can be different from the default element type symbol.