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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client User's Guide > Model Elements > Checkpoint

Text Box Properties for Checkpoints Dialog

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This dialog is accessible through the Checkpoint Graphical Properties dialog. In this dialog you can define the settings for the text box that contains the checkpoint's name. This allows perfect customization of the appearance of the diagram. You can customize the following settings:


Text box position

The Left setting defines how many pixels there are between the checkpoint and the starting point of the text. The Top setting defines how many pixels there are between the top border of the visible diagram window and the text. You can always see a real-time preview of the positioning on the Checkpoint Graphical Properties dialog, which is open behind this dialog and can be seen if you move this dialog slightly so that it does not shadow the Checkpoint Graphical Properties dialog.


Text box size

By default the text box is resized automatically to fit the text. However, if you remove the check mark on the Resize automatically to fit the text check box you can define the text box's width and height

in pixels.


Text properties

In the text properties field you can use the drop-down menu to define how the text is aligned (left, centered, or right). The Font button opens a menu where you can define the font and its properties.