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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Installation Instructions > Installing QPR 2019.1 > Silent and Customized Installations

Typical Silent Installation

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To perform a silent installation equivalent to the typical installation with the default settings, open the command prompt to the folder containing the installation package(s) and start the installation with the following command: QPR2019_Clients_Setup_x86.exe /s /v"/qn ALLUSERS=1" for the Clients package and QPR2019_Servers_Setup_x64.exe /s /v"/qn ALLUSERS=1" for the Servers package.


Once the desktop icons have appeared on the desktop (only in the Clients package) and the msiexec process is not running (see the Task Manager) anymore, you can start using the software.


See the next section for information about how to customize e.g. the selection of software components included in the installation.