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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client User's Guide > Web Publishing

Web Diagram Headers and Footers

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The Header and Footer dialog can be accessed from the Page Layout section of the Web Styles dialog. It is used to insert, edit, and delete the headers and footers of web published diagrams.


To insert a header (or footer), click on the box beneath Header (or Footer). A pop-up menu appears with the following options: Insert Model Name, Insert Diagram Name, Insert Version, Insert Status, Insert Printing Time, Insert Creation Time, and Insert Last Save Time. If you click on top of existing text, select Insert , and you will see the above-mentioned options. Select one of the options. Appropriate text appears on the header or footer.


To delete text from the header or footer, select the text you want to delete by clicking on it. Select Delete from the pop-up menu. The text is now deleted.


To change the font of text in the header or footer, click on the text on which you wish to modify the font. Select Change font from the pop-up menu. Select a font and click OK. The font is applied to the text you selected.


To move text vertically, click on the text you want to move. Select Position and Left, Right or Center.


To switch the places of two text lines, click on the text you want to move. Select Move Upwards or Move Downwards from the pop-up menu.


When you are done, click Close.