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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client User's Guide > QPR BizArchitecture Server

Working with Server Models

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In addition to saving models as files, it is possible to save them to and retrieve from the QPR BizArchitecture Server.




Models can be saved into the QPR BizArchitecture Server, which can save them into any major database. Using folders it is possible to organize models in the Server in a similar way as they can be organized when saved as files. For administrator users it is possible to open model files created with earlier QPR Modeling Client versions and save them into the Server. In the Server the models are always saved in QPR Modeling Client format. Administrators and model administrators can also save Server models as file models.



Sharing Models

One great benefit of Server models is that many users can edit one model simultaneously. For more information, go to the Concurrent Usage topic.



Large-scale QPR Modeling Client Usage

The QPR BizArchitecture Server provides the possibility of re-using common data (e.g. organization items and resources) by using a base model. Base models offer more possibilities for creating and maintaining a corporate model structure more effectively as common data does not have to be input several times.


Furthermore, you can model large subprocesses as separate models and link the models to the corporate-level model by using the external model process step type.


For more information about Server models, go to Using the QPR BizArchitecture Server.


For more information about installing and configuring QPR BizArchitecture Server, refer to the QPR Administrator's Guide.