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A Briefing Booklet Template

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There can be several briefing booklet templates saved as .tpl files in the C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2022\2022.1\Servers\Templates\WAS\Booklet\Booklets folder. All .tpl files will appear as optional templates in the template selection of the Properties tab of the Manage Briefing Booklets view.


A briefing booklet template is an html file with some extension tags. To construct your own template, use your favorite html editor or a regular text editor. The extension tags allow you to embed booklet specific data into your template. The briefing booklet template's extension tags are as follows:



Insert booklet author's e-mail address.


Insert booklet description.

<#isfirstpage true="true value" false="false value">

If the first page of a briefing booklet is currently open, this tag will appear as a value of truth ("true value"). Otherwise the tag will be replaced with a value of false ("false value").

If the tag is inserted into a booklet page template, it will be replaced with a value of truth or false depending on the page holding the tag: is it the first page or not?

The true and false options can be set to anything. For example setting the truth to be "YES" and false to be "NO": <#isfirstpage true="YES" false="NO">

<#islastpage true="true value" false="false value">

If the last page of a briefing booklet is currently open, this tag will appear as a value of truth ("true value"). Otherwise the tag will be replaced with a value of false ("false value").

If the tag is inserted into a booklet page template, it will be replaced with a value of truth or false depending on the page holding the tag: is it the last page or not?

The true and false options can be set to anything. For example setting the truth to be "YES" and false to be "NO": <#islastpage true="YES" false="NO">


Insert booklet name.


Insert page number of the first visible page.


Insert page number of the last visible page.


Insert number of pages.


Insert link to the next booklet view (booklet view, or spread, that contains the page next to the last page shown in the current spread).

<#page index="page offset">

Insert booklet page URL. The link of a page to be inserted is identified with an offset number supplied with the index parameter. The offset value is relative to first page of the current spread (1 is the first page, 2 is the second).

If you have spreads with two pages and the first spread is open and the index value is 2, then the URL of the booklet page number 2 will be inserted. (1+(2-1) is 2.) If the second spread is open, then URL of the page number 4 will be inserted. (The first page in the second spread is page number 3. 3+(2-1) is 4.)

<#page number="page number">

Insert booklet page URL. The link of a page to be inserted is identified with a page number supplied with the number parameter.

<#page_view index="page offset">

Similar to <#page index="page offset"> tag, except inserts a link to a booklet view (spread), which contains the supplied page.

<#page_view number="page number">

Similar to <#page number="page number"> tag, except inserts a link to a booklet view (spread), which contains the supplied page.


Insert link to the previous booklet view (booklet view, or spread, that contains the page previous to the first page shown in the current spread).

<#template file="template name">

Execute external template. The name of the template file is supplied with the file parameter.

<#toc template="template name">

Insert table of contents (TOC). The TOC will be build using a TOC template file, which name must be supplied with the template parameter.