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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

Navigation: Developer's Guide > Customizing QPR Portal

Cascading Style Sheets

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QPR Portal uses common cascading style sheet definitions to achieve a uniform appearance to web pages. The style sheets used by QPR Portal are found in the qprsoftware directory described in previous chapter:

stylesheets/portal.css: Default top level style sheet for the QPR Portal. Do not modify this file.

stylesheets/portal_rtl.css: Top level style sheet for the QPR Portal in right-to-left layouts. Do not modify this file.

stylesheets/booklet.css: Style sheet for Briefing Booklets. Do not modify this file.

stylesheets/booklet_rtl.css: Style sheet for Briefing Booklets in right-to-left layouts. Do not modify this file.

stylesheets/qpr.css: Default style sheets used in the QPR Portal. Do not modify this file.

stylesheets/qpr_rtl.css: Default style sheets used in the QPR Portal in right-to-left layouts. Do not modify this file.

stylesheets/layout-default.css: Style sheet for jQuery. Do not modify this file.

stylesheets/jquery-ui.css: Style sheet for jQuery UI components. Do not modify this file.

stylesheets/jquery-ui-qpr.css: QPR style sheet for jQuery UI components. Do not modify this file.

stylesheets/webkit.css: Style sheet for WebKit-based browsers. Do not modify this file.

       stylesheets/custom.css: All user-made customizations should be stored here. You need to modify only this file with left-to-right layouts.

stylesheets/custom_rtl.css: All user-made customizations to right-to-left layouts should be stored here. You need to modify only this file with right-to-left layouts.


For example the following element properties can be defined by modifying these files:

Page background color or images
Font size, font family & font color, separately for headers and body.
The appearance of the tables used in pages


You can use any HTML or text editor such as Notepad to modify these style sheets.


Note! These modifications apply only to QPR Portal and pages generated by other QPR Products.