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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

You can customize the appearance of the Navigator View in the Scorecards section of QPR Portal by modifying template files. See the sections below for possible options and required files. Note that after template customizations you need either need to restart QPR WAS or clear the template cache with the <host name or IP of the server>/<CGI binary folder>/qpr.exe?QPRWAS&*cleartemplatecache request.



Customizing the Amount of Elements Shown


You can customize the amount of elements shown in the Navigator View initially (before the user expands the hierarchy). The number to be shown is the maximum number of elements shown on one page, with the exception that if there are more elements to be shown than the defined maximum, the parent hierarchy of the elements that are left to the next page is shown in addition to the remaining elements. To do this, open the measurehierarchytreeview.tpl file (located in the C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2022\2022.1\Servers\Templates\WAS\SC folder and modify the maxcount setting. In addition, find the "sGetForEachTablePageControls(_iTotalMatchCount, 200, true" line and change the "200" to the amount used with the maxcount setting. By default this setting is set to 200. Note: Increasing the amount of shown elements will also increase the QPR Metrics Server load!