QPR Portal's e-mail notifications about actions can be customized according to your needs. The templates are *.tpl files and use similar replace tags as other templates used in QPR Portal. The templates listed below are used in the e-mail notifications. The templates can be found in the C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2022\2022.1\Servers\Templates\WAS\Portal folder.
In addition to the tags mentioned here, HTML formatting can be used if the EnableHtmlEmailNotification setting in QPR_Servers.ini file is set to 1. This allows the email notifications to be presented, for example, in an RTL language.
associationdocumentnotification.tpl: Template for notifications of Document actions.
associationcommentnotification.tpl: Template for notifications of Comment actions.
associationactionplannotification.tpl: Template for notifications of Action Plan actions.
associationlessonnotification.tpl: Template for notifications of Lesson actions.
associationrisknotification.tpl: Template for notifications of Risk actions.
associationstrategyitemnotification.tpl: Template for notifications of Strategy Item actions.
See the table below for information about tags available for the templates.
The following tags can be used in the notifications
Tag |
Parameters |
Description |
#ActionModificationTypeDependentText |
add="YourTextHere": Used when an action is added edit="YourTextHere": Used when an action is edited |
Tag that gets its value depending on the type of action modification. The different values are supplied as parameters |
#UserPrettyName |
User's name in a human-readable format |
#AssociationData |
id="idvalue": See table below for possible values |
Various data about the action depending on the value of the id parameter |
Possible id values for the #AssociationData tag:
id |
Description |
VTNHierarchyURL |
Direct URL to the action |
description |
Action's description |
header |
Action's header |
id |
Action's ID |
type |
Action's type |
creator |
User who created the action |
modifieddate |
Date and time when the action was last modified |
createddate |
Date and time when the action was created |
lastmodifieduser |
User who did the latest modifications to the action |
prettyattribute |
Returns the desired attibute in a human-readable format. Requires an additional attributeid="<number>" tag parameter. See the table below for listing of valid attributeid values. |
Possible id values for the attributeid parameter
id |
Description |
1 |
Parent actions |
2 |
Parent external objects |
3 |
Child actions |
4 |
Users who can see the action |
5 |
User who did the last modification to the action |
100 |
Action plan's owner |
101 |
User responsible for the action plan |
102 |
User who has approved the action plan |
103 |
Date and time when the action plan was approved |
104 |
Action plan's deadline |
105 |
Action plan's status |
106 |
Action plan's completion percentage |
120 |
Action plan's category |
107 |
Document's version |
108 |
Document's status |
110 |
Document's owner |
111 |
User who has approved the document |
112 |
Date and time the document was approved |
121 |
Document's category |
113 |
Flag indicating that an attachment contains embedded data |
114 |
Flag indicating that an attachment contains linked data |
115 |
Name of the embedded file (in the case of an embedded attachment) |
116 |
Embedded file's MIME type |
117 |
User who created the comment |
118 |
Comment's category |
119 |
Lesson's category |
400 |
Risk's category |
401 |
Risk's owner |
402 |
Risk's severity |
403 |
User who has identified the risk |
404 |
Date and time when the risk was identified |
405 |
Risk's status |
406 |
Risk's probability |
407 |
Risk's impact minimization |
408 |
Risk's mitigation |
414 |
Risk's impact |
415 |
Risk's rating |
416 |
Risk's notes |
409 |
Strategy Item's category |
410 |
Strategy Item's owner |
411 |
Strategy Item's status |
412 |
Date from which the strategy item is valid |
413 |
Date to which the strategy item is valid |