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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

Navigation: Developer's Guide > Customizing QPR Portal

Replace Tags

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The actual data and navigational elements in exported models are marked with special markers called Replace Tags. Most of the tags have a very specific behavior, and many of them are required for the views to function properly. Every Replace Tag is marked as <#ReplaceTagName>, where ReplaceTagName represents a predefined Replace Tag for the view. Some replace tags may also require parameters, like <#CompanyImage Location="Default" CompanyLogo="QPRLogo.jpg">.


A Replace Tag returns a value from the QPR Web Application Server into the view the Web Template defines. The returned value can be either HTML escaped text, a block of HTML code, a block of JavaScript code, a block of style definitions or a mixture of two or more of these elements, depending of the purpose of the Replace Tag.


Note that QPR Portal uses also other replace tags than those listed here, but they are not described here due to complex usage.