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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

Navigation: Configuration Instructions > QPR Configuration Manager

Database Operations

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On the Database operations page you can define database settings and perform database operations.




In this section you can define the database instance that is used by all QPR products. Select the desired ODBC data source from the Data source drop-down list and provide the required database login information to the User name and Password fields.


The database operations you can perform include testing the database configuration, creating a new database, importing a database from a file or exporting a database to a file.


With the Test database configuration option you can verify whether your database has been configured properly. The database that will be tested is the data source that has been selected in the Data source field in the Database section. Click Test to test the database configuration.


You can also create a new database with the Create database option. This operation will create a new database on the data source selected in the Data source field in the Database section, and all the previous contents of the database will be erased. Click Create to create a new database. A warning message will then be displayed stating that all the information on the selected database will be lost. Verify once more that the database does not contain any important information and then click Yes to create a new database.


If you are importing a database from a file you need to define the location of that file on the Import database section. You can either type in the path and the name of the file straight on the text field or alternatively you can use the Browse... button to locate the file. The import's target database is the data source that has been selected in the Data source field in the Database section. Click Import after defining the location of the file to perform the operation.


If you are exporting a database to a file you need to define the location of that file on the Export database section. You can either type in the path and the name of the file straight to the text field or alternatively you can use the Browse... button to locate the file. The database that will be exported is the data source that has been selected in the Data source field in the Database section. Click Export after defining the location of the file to perform the operation.