The default contents of the Home view can be modified in following ways:
1.Entering a Custom URL in the Home page settings sub-section of the QPR Web Application Server section in QPR Configuration Manager.
QPR Portal Plugin Configuration/Home page settings
2.Modifying the contents of the template 'qprhomeview.tpl' located in the QPR Portal's installation folder, for example C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2022\2022.1\Servers\Templates\WAS\Portal folder. All .tpl files can be opened using a text or HTML editor, for example Notepad.
The amount of users listed on one page in the User Selection View in QPR Portal can be customized by editing the userselectionview.tpl file and modifying the "var _iMaxResults = 500;" row. Replace the 500 with the value of your choice.