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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

Navigation: Configuration Instructions > QPR Configuration Manager

Service Operations

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In the Service settings section you can define settings for the QPR Service service.


Status - Tells you the status of the NT service. Possible options are:

Running  - NT service is running.

Stopped  - NT service is stopped.

Service not installed  - NT service has not been installed.

Status unknown  - NT service is in such state, that its status cannot be read (starting, stopping) or the NT service has not been correctly installed.


Startup timeout - Defines the time that the NT service waits for the QPR server components to start. If the server components do not start within the given time, the  NT service will be stopped. The maximum value for the Startup time is 99 minutes. You can change the value by either entering a new value manually to the field or by using the arrows on the right side of the field to scroll to the desired value.


Check status every - NT Service will check the status of the QPR server components at the given intervals. If the QPR server components are not responding, then the NT Service is stopped. You can change the value by either entering a new value manually to the field or by using the arrows on the right side of the field to scroll to the desired value.


Response timeout  - The time how long the service waits for status check response from QPR server components before giving an error message. You can change the value by either entering a new value manually to the field or by using the arrows on the right side of the field to scroll to the desired value.


Force kill after timeout - If checked, then the NT service and the QPR server components controlled by the service are stopped by force after the given Response timeout has elapsed.


Maximum number of start attempts - The amount of times the service tries to start in the case of critical error in the startup. If startup has not been successful within the defined number of attempts, the startup procedure is aborted. You can change the value by either entering a new value manually to the field or by using the arrows on the right side of the field to scroll to the desired value.


Click the following buttons to perform a service operation as follows:


Start Service - Starts the NT service, and reports the service status in the Status field.


Stop Service  - Stops the NT service, and reports the service status in the Status field.


Restart Service - Restarts the NT service.


Show Service Log - Shows the NT service's log.


Change Service Name - Changes the name of the NT service.


Note that you need administrator privileges to perform service operations, so you need to run QPR Configuration Manager with elevated privileges.