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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

Navigation: Developer's Guide > QPR Web Services Foundation > Functions > QueryObjects > Query Syntax

Parameters and Options

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This section lists parameters and options commonly available for QPR Web Service query functions.



Global Parameters

These parameters are supported by all query functions:


Criteria=<query criteria (e.g. "Find(\"of\", name)")>

An expression that must return true for an element in order for it to be returned in the result set. Supported expressions include:

Logical operators: AND, OR, NOT. Note that these are case sensitive, so only the uppercase versions work.

Binary comparison operators: =, <>, <, <=, >, >=

Mathematical operators: +, -, *, /, ^

String constants using double quotes: “string constant”

Parentheses to group expressions and enforce calculation order: ()

Find function:

oExpression: Find(<what>, <attribute>)


<what> = Text to match (usually a string constant). Case sensitive.

<attribute> = A supported attribute.

oReturn value: True if the text is found in the given attribute.


Note: String constants must be escaped correctly (by preceding the double quotes with a backslash).



Set containing the object (must have only one object) which is used as root object for the criteria function described in criteria-parameter. All the attributes referenced in the criteria are attributes of this criteriaroot. @_ can be used in criteria function to refer to the object for which the criteria is currently being evaluated. E.g. the following function call returns a set containing all the periods for which measure's (in @measure) ACT series has value lower than 118:

@measure = [SC.1.487];

@periodlevel = @measure.periodlevel;

@periodlevel.periods(criteriaroot="@measure", criteria="Measure.Value(period=\"@_\", series=\"ACT\") < 118");


ExcludeInaccessible=<0 | 1>

If this is set to 1, all objects the user does not have access rights to are removed from the result set. The default value is 0. Note: The only supported functions for inaccessible objects are "Related", "ParentObjects" and "ChildObjects".


as=<custom name of relation>

Defines the name which is used for a returned relation. In the example below the returned elements have their organization unit listed in the organizationunit attribute defined with a relation and the "as" attribute:





name, related(relation="organizationunit", as="organizationunit")


<ResultSetHierarchy totalResultsReturned="15" totalResults="15" firstIndex="0" maxCount="-1">

<object id="PG.710501991.1661090550.332" name="Logistics" organizationunit="PG.710501991.326" />





Recursion Parameters

Parameters supported by all operations that may bring new elements into the set (not supported e.g. in filter functions).



Enable recursion (disabled by default).


recursioncount=<number of recursions>

Set the maximum recursion depth (infinite by default).



Ensure that all the objects in the original set are also in the result set.



Supported Options

These options are supported in all queries where applicable.


EnumAsNumber=<0 | 1>

Configures how enumerated types are shown in object query results. If set to 1, numbers are used instead of strings (e.g. the publishtype attribute for actions is an enumerated type). The default value is 0.


QueryModelingLanguage=<language code>

Sets the PG modeling language used when processing query and criteria phases of QueryObjects and QueryObjectsAsXml. In the case this option is defined without defining QueryLanguage, the QueryLanguage value is determined based on the UI language assigned for the modeling language provided here.


QueryLanguage=<UI language>

Sets the user interface language used when processing query- and criteria-phases of QueryObjects and QueryObjectsAsXml.


The following options are available also for GetGraph and GetBinaryData functions:


ModelingLanguage=<language code>

Sets the PG modeling language used when processing sort and result generation phases of QueryObjects and QueryObjectsAsXml. In the case this option is defined without defining Language, the Language value is determined based on the UI language assigned for the modeling language provided here.


Language=<UI language>

Sets the user interface language used when processing sort and result generation phases of QueryObjects and QueryObjectsAsXml.


<language code>

Language code given for modeling language in PG language properties dialog.


<UI language>

Language code defined in ISO639-standard (e.g. en=english, fi=finnish...). Can optionally be followed by a comma-separated sub language identifier (e.g. "en,1").



Maximum amount of results to return for one query.


FirstIndex=<start index>

The result index from which to start. Most usable in conjunction with the maxCount option, e.g. maxCount="100" firstIndex="200".


Storevariables=<comma-separated list of set names to store into session>

Stores the sets defined here on the server for later access. The defined sets will be available for subsequent queries until the server is restarted or ClearUserVariables or ClearAllUserVariables is used. For example if the query is "@a = [SC,PG,UM,PO].SubObjects(recursive="1");" and StoreVariables has @a as the value, the value of @a in subsequent queries would be the result of "[SC,PG,UM,PO].SubObjects(recursive="1");" at the time the set was initialized. Note that stored variables are specific to the user who created them.



Clears all variables stored by the current user using the storevariables option.



Clears all variables stored by any user using the storevariables option. This option requires Portal administrator access rights.


ResolveReferences=<0 | 1>

For Metrics measures, defines if the attribute is queried also from the reference element or only from the original measure. 0 = attribute is queried also from the reference element,  1 or any other integer = attribute is queried from the original measure (default). Can be used for the following attributes: id, objectid, fullid, parentelementid, level, order, index, parent (returns scorecard id), scorecard, scorecardid, scorecardsymbol, scorecardidentifier, and parentscorecardid.