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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

The following parameters are asked in the application's XML Wizard.


Section Key



Defines the target file in export. Format: Path\filename


Defines the source file in import. Format: Path\filename


Defines the used transformation file.  Format: Path\filename


Table 2.2: [Parameters] section keys asked in Wizard


The following parameters can be added to the settings file:

Section Key



Defines whether the graphical properties of QPR Modeling Client model elements are imported. Boolean (false by default). See "Graphical Properties in QPR Modeling Client's XML Import" for more information.


Defines whether the graphical properties of QPR Modeling Client model elements are exported. Boolean (false by default). See "Graphical Properties in QPR Modeling Client's XML Export" for more information..


Integer ID of the modeling language used in the exported elements. Options: 0 or -1 = current language, -2 = default language. In the case this is empty, the current modeling language is used.


Language code (string) of the modeling language used in the exported elements. In the case this is empty, the default modeling language is used.


Defines whether changes log is included in the exported model. Boolean (true by default, i.e. do not include changes log in the exported model). Note that importing a model with a changes log bigger than 1 MB is not supported.


Defines whether user right information is included in the exported model. Options: 0 = user rights not included (default), 1 = export explicitly granted rights, 2 = export all rights including inherited rights.


Table 2.3 [Parameters] section's optional keys