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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

Navigation: Developer's Guide > QPR Web Services Foundation > Functions


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Revision history:

Introduced in QPR 8.1

Last changed in QPR 2016.1


Remove references to objects (defined in targetObjectIds) in referenceAttribute of objects defined by objectIds. Reference attributes define relations between objects and e.g. Portal actions have parents and external parents as reference attributes.



void RemoveRefence(string sessionId, string objectIds, string referenceAttribute, string targetObjectIds, string options)


Return Value:






sessionId: String. ID of an authenticated session.

objectIds: String. A comma-separated list of FullID's of objects to be modified. When removing users from groups, this must contain the users to be removed from the groups. When removing groups from users, this must contain the groups to be removed.

referenceAttribute: String. Name of the reference attribute. When removing users from groups, use the 'groups' attribute. When removing groups from users, use the 'users' attribute.

targetObjectIds: String. A comma-separated list of FullID's that are to be removed from the reference attributes. When removing users from groups, this must contain the groups from which the users are removed. When removing groups from users, this must contain the users from which groups are removed.

options: String. A comma-separated list of options for the command. Note that there can be also mandatory options specific to product and object type.



Example Procedure:


ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient("WSHttpBinding_IService");

string sessionId = client.Authenticate("qpr", "demo");

client.RemoveReference(sessionId, "PO.0.12345", "parentobjects", "PO.0.67890, PO.0.112233", "");

