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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Actions

    Action Properties

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    In this window you can edit the properties of an action. Common properties for all the actions are header, description, category, linked to, attachments, and publish to. Other possible properties depend on the type of the action.


    Changes to the properties of the action are traced in the change log accessible from the Show Change Log link in the upper right corner of the window. The change log shows the date of the change, the user who did the change, the changed attribute, the previous value of the attribute, and the new value of the attribute. To return to the properties view, click the Show Editor link in the upper right corner of the window. For instructions on how to enable the change log, see the Appendix A in the QPR - Administrator's Guide.


    The properties of actions can also be customized with the help of a configuration file. If customizations have been made, the property fields can differ from the default ones. For information about customizing action type properties, refer to QPR Developer's Guide.


    If an asterisk (*) is shown after the name of a property, a value for the property must be entered before the action can be saved.