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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

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    Appendix B - Database Installation

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    QPR products use DataBase Management Systems (DBMS) for administrating users and storing user and model data.


    The primary requirement for the database server is that it needs to be an SQL DBMS with an Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) interface. You can use any DBMS which conforms to these requirements, but the installation will be the most convenient when one of the directly supported DBMSes is used.


    Here are the instructions for setting up a Microsoft SQL Server DBMS for QPR products:


    Install Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle.


    For installation instructions, refer to the respective user manuals.


    Note the following recommendations for Oracle databases:

    Create a separate tablespace for QPR data.

    For better performance, make sure that the created QPR data tablespace supports SecureFile LOBs and that those are used by default.

    Redo log space should be large enough (e.g. 1 GB)


    Note about Oracle character sets: The national character set in Oracle must always be AL16UTF16, and the database character set must be AL32UTF8.


    Create and configure a database for QPR products.


    All QPR products use a single database instance, so you need to create and configure only one database for the whole system.


    Please consult your Microsoft SQL Server/Oracle manual for instructions on creating a new database.


    A minimum QPR database should work fine with the default database configurations. However, make sure that there is enough hard drive space allocated for the database tablespace as well as the transaction log. They both should have space for at least 100 MB of data. With larger amounts of data the allocations and database settings most probably need to be adjusted.


    You can test your database configuration by clicking the Test Database Configuration button at the Database tab of the Common section in the QPR Configuration Manager utility, which can be found at the Utilities folder under your QPR 2023.1 Servers installation folder.


    Verify also that there is an ODBC data source configured for the database and configure it if needed. Please note the following about the data sources:

    The data sources must be created using 64-bit servers for them to be visible in QPR Configuration Manager.

    Creating a System DSN is highly recommended to make sure that the DSN is visible also for the account running QPR Service (System account by default).

    If using Windows Authentication for the database connection, the account running QPR Service needs to be set to a user account that has read and write access to the QPR database.



    Creating Database Contents


    Before taking the database into use, you need to create the product-specific contents to it by using the QPR Configuration Manager utility. The database contents are created with the Create new database option in the Database Operations tab of the Common section. Note that you need to install the software before you can access the configuration utility, so you will have to create the QPR contents once the installation is complete.