Web Templates are HTML skeletons that define the layout of the views. They are ".tpl" files which can either be a complete HTML file, or a cluster of HTML that is used inside another view. By default, the Web Templates provided by QPR Software are XHTML 1.0, which is the current recommendation for web document publishing by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It is also acceptable to use any other versions of HTML or even XML or SVG to produce the pages in the desired format. Usage of markup languages other than HTML is, however, limited because of fixed markup tags in generated contents.
NOTE: QPR Portal requires support for JavaScript 1.2 and CSS (level 2), which may limit the possible markup languages and/or versions.
All template paths provided below are relative to the C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2023\2023.1\Servers\Templates\WAS folder. To determine which template to customize, view the source for the desired Portal view and see the template name inside the <!-- [QPRTemplateStart: templatename.tpl] --> and <!-- [QPRTemplateEnd: templatename.tpl] --> comment tags.
Template files in the Common folder:
File |
Usage in View Generation |
actioncallview |
Used in submitting data from web forms. |
analysis_row |
Shows a row in the analysis view. |
analysisfooter |
Footer of any analysis view. |
analysisheader_row |
Header row in the analysis views |
analysisview_excelexport |
Excel export of analysis views. |
analysisview_excelexport_final |
Result of Excel export of navigator and analysis views. |
customattributeselection |
This template should always be empty. |
detailspaneframeset |
Information view frameset when details pane is on. |
detailspaneheader |
Details pane header. |
dynamictablefooter |
Analysis view table footer. |
dynamictableheader |
Analysis view table header. |
empty |
Template for empty results. |
excelexport_row |
Excel export table data row. |
excelexportheader_row |
Excel export table header row. |
genericjshierarchy_row |
A generic JavaScript row in a hierarchy view. |
genericjslist_row |
Template used in showing the selectable element hierarchies in list format. |
genericjsnoaccess_row |
A generic JavaScript row in a hierarchy view for an object to which the user who does not have access rights. |
genericjsonobject |
Table row as JSON object. |
hierarchy_row |
A row in a hierarchy view. |
hierarchy_row_static |
Static row |
hierarchyfooter |
Footer of any hierarchy/navigator view. |
hierarchyheader_row |
Header of any hierarchy/navigator view. |
html_row |
Template used for displaying a simple object list such as the list shown in the hierarchy view shown when actions/discussion is selected in portal. |
jsactioncallutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsactiontypes |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsdetailspaneutils |
Template used for defining Details Pane contents. |
jsdynamichierarchy |
Generic template for dynamic hierarchy views. |
jshierarchytreeutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsobjectqueryhierarchyutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsobjectqueryutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsobjectqueryurlutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsportaltoolbarutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsworkflowutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jswsfutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
linkedworkflowtickets |
Workflow tickets linked to an element. |
listfooter |
JavaScript for list footer. |
measureseriesandperiodselection |
This template should always be empty. |
modelversionselection |
Model version selection placeholder for View Designer. |
objectselection |
Generic object selection view used e.g. for selecting fields in analysis/hierarchy/navigator view designer. |
officeexportview |
Export to Office functions, such as the EnableChangeTemplateButton setting for enabling/disabling PowerPoint Export template change button. |
powerpointgraphexporter |
PowerPoint export of graphical views. |
redirectview |
Utility used for browser redirections. |
row |
Row template for iterating various objects in row format. |
setasdefaultviewsettingsview |
View for setting the default view for users. |
tabledesigner |
View designer. |
tablefilterdesigner |
View filter designer. |
tableheader |
Common header for analysis/hierarchy/navigator views. |
tinyframeviewheader |
View header for views used e.g. in What's New and My Responsibilities summary views. |
Template files in the Common\DynamicFields folder:
File |
Usage in View Generation |
actionapprovedbyfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionassignedtofield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionattachmentsfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionchildactionsfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actioncompletionfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actioncreatorfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actiondeletebuttonfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actiondescriptionfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionfieldheader |
A column header in the analysis view table. |
actionheaderfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionidentifiedbyfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionlastmodifieddatefield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionlinkedtofield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionlinkedtomodelfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionlinkedtoscorecardfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionlinkedtoscorecardsymbolfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionlinkedtosubprocessfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionmodifierfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionownerfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionprogressfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionrecipientsfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionschedulefield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionsimpleheaderfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actiontargetfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actiontemplatefield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionticketfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionticketsfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actiontriggerworkflowfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actiontypefield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionviewbuttonfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionviewsettingslistheaderfield |
View setting header in View Designer's view setting selection views. |
actionwordreportheaderfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionworkflowfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
actionworkflowforworkflowticketfield |
A table field in actions/workflows analysis views. |
bookmarkfolderhierarchyinitializationfield |
Used in bookmarks list on Home tab. |
bookmarkfolderprivatehierarchyinitializationfield |
Used in bookmarks list on Home tab. |
bookmarkfolderpublichierarchyinitializationfield |
Used in bookmarks list on Home tab. |
bookmarkhierarchyinitializationfield |
Bookmark in Home / My Contents hierarchy view. |
genericjsheaderfield |
JS table header in analysis views. |
processguideactionheadersfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideactionsfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideaddactionfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideattachedelementsfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideattachedfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideattachedtofield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideauthorfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidechildinformationitemsfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidechildnotesfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidechildorganizationsfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidecustomattributefield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidedescriptionfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideexternalmodelurlfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidefield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidefieldheader |
A column header in the analysis view table. |
processguideflowchartlinkfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideflowfromfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideflowfromprocesslevelfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideflowtofield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideflowtoprocesslevelfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidefromfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideheaderfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideinformationitemlinkfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideinformationitemsfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideincomingflowsfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidemodelfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidenotesfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideorganizationitemfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideorganizationitemsfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideoutgoingflowsfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideownerfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideparentdiagramfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideparentinformationitemsfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideparentnotefield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideparentorganizationfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideprocesslevelsfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideprocessstepsfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideresourcesfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidescorecardlinkfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidescorecardlinksfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidetofield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguidetypefield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideusedbyinformationitemfield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
processguideusedbyresourcefield |
A table field in EA/PD analysis views. |
quicklinkinitializationfield |
Quick link in Home / My Contents hierarchy view. |
scorecardactionheadersfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardactionsfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardaddactionfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardcreateelementfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardcreatorfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecarddeleteelementfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecarddescriptionfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardelementtypenamefield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardfieldheader |
A column header in the analysis/navigator view table. |
scorecardheaderfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardinformationitemiconfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardinformationitemsfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardlinkedelementiconfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardlinkedelementsfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardmodelfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardownerfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardparentelementfield |
Scorecard's parent element field. |
scorecardperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardprettyrangevalueandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardprettyrangevaluefield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardprettyvalueandperiodeditorfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardprettyvalueandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardprettyvalueeditorfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardprettyvaluefield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardrangecolorandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardrangecolorfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardrangeiconandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardrangeiconfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardrolesfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardscdescriptionfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardscorecardfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardstatusfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardtrendiconandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardtrendiconfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardtrendnameandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardtypefield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardwarningiconandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
scorecardwarningiconfield |
A table field in Metrics analysis views. |
useractionsbyuserhierarchyfield |
User in Actions / By User hierarchy view. |
Template files in the Common\StaticFields folder:
File |
Usage in View Generation |
actionactionhierarchyfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionapprovedbyfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionassignedtofield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionattachmentheaderfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionattachmentsfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionchildactionsfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actioncompletionfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actioncreatorfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actiondescriptionfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionfieldheader |
A column header in the navigator/hierarchy view table. |
actionforcedanalysisheaderfield |
A table field in actions hierarchy views. |
actionheaderfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionhierarchy1framefield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionhierarchyfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionidentifiedbyfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionlinkedtofield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionlinkedtomodelfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionlinkedtoscorecardfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionlinkedtoscorecardsymbolfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionlinkedtosubprocessfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionlistheaderanddescriptionfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionlistheaderfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionmodifierfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionownerfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionprogressfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actiontypefield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
actionworkflowfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
excelexportfieldheader |
Excel export field header. |
genericheaderfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
informationitemheaderfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
linkedmodelheaderfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
linkedtoscorecardfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
linkedtoscorecardsymbol |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
linkedtosubprocessfield |
A table field in the navigator/hierarchy views. |
processguideactionheadersfield |
Processes / Navigator / Action headers field. |
processguideactionsfield |
Processes / Navigator / Actions field. |
processguideaddactionfield |
Processes / Navigator / Add action field. |
processguideattachedelementsfield |
Processes / Navigator / Attached elements field. |
processguideattachedfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideattachedtofield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideattributevaluefield |
A table field in the analysis views. |
processguideauthorfield |
Processes / Navigator / Author field. |
processguidechildinformationitemsfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidechildnotesfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidechildorganizationsfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidecustomattributefield |
Processes / Navigator / Custom attribute field. |
processguidedescriptionfield |
Processes / Navigator / Description field. |
processguideexternalmodelfield |
Processes / Navigator / External model field. |
processguideexternalmodelurlfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidefield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidefieldheader |
Processes / Navigator / Field header. |
processguideflowchartlinkfield |
Processes / Navigator / Diagram link field. |
processguideflowfromfield |
Processes / Navigator / Flow from field. |
processguideflowfromprocesslevelfield |
Processes / Navigator / Flow from diagram field. |
processguideflowtofield |
Processes / Navigator / Flow to field. |
processguideflowtoprocesslevelfield |
Processes / Navigator / Flow to diagram field. |
processguidefromfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideheaderfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidehierarchyfield |
Element hierarchy view. |
processguideincomingflowsfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideinformationitemlinkfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideinformationitemsfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidemodelfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidenoaccess_row |
EA/PD element to which the user has not sufficient rights. |
processguidemodelfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideorganizationitemfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideorganizationitemsfield |
Processes / Navigator / Organization items field. |
processguideoutgoingflowsfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideownerfield |
Processes / Navigator / Owner field. |
processguideparentdiagramfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideparentinformationitemsfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideparentnotefield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideparentorganizationfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideprocesslevelsfield |
Processes / Navigator / Diagrams field. |
processguideprocessstepsfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideresourcesfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidescorecardlinksfield |
Processes / Navigator / Scorecard links field. |
processguidetofield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidetypefield |
Processes / Navigator / Type field. |
processguidetypenamefield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideusedbyinformationitemfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguideusedbyresourcefield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidevalidationwarningiconfield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidevalidationwarningiconfieldheader |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidevalidationwarningmessagefield |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
processguidevalidationwarningmessagefieldheader |
A table field in EA/PD navigator views. |
scorecardactionheadersfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardactionsfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardaddactionfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardaltfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardcreateelementfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardcreatorfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecarddeleteelementfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecarddescriptionfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardelementtypenamefield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardfield |
A column header in the analysis/navigator view table. |
scorecardfieldheader |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardheaderfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardhierarchyfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardindexfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardinformationitemiconfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardinformationitemsfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardlinkedelementiconfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardlinkedelementsfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardmodelfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardnoaccess_row |
Metrics element to which the user has not sufficient rights. |
scorecardownerfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardparentelementfield |
Scorecards / Navigator / Parent element field. |
scorecardperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardprettyrangevalueandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardprettyrangevaluefield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardprettyvalueandperiodeditorfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardprettyvalueandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardprettyvalueeditorfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardprettyvaluefield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardrangecolorandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardrangecolorfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardrangeiconandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardrangeiconfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardrolesfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardscdescriptionfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardscorecardfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardstatusfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardstatusnamefield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardtrendiconandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardtrendiconfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardtrendnameandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardtypefield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardwarningiconandperiodfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
scorecardwarningiconfield |
A table field in Metrics navigator views. |
userfield |
A table field in the navigator views. |
usericonfield |
A table field in the navigator views. |
userprettynamefield |
A table field in the navigator views. |
wordreportscreatorfield |
A table field in reports views. |
wordreportsdescriptionfield |
A table field in reports views. |
wordreportsfield |
A table field in reports views. |
wordreportsrecipientsfield |
A table field in reports views. |
wordreportstemplatefield |
A table field in reports views. |
wordreportstypefield |
A table field in reports views. |
wordreportswordreportheaderfield |
A table field in reports views. |
wordreporttemplatescreatorfield |
A table field in reports views. |
wordreporttemplatesdescriptionfield |
A table field in reports views. |
wordreporttemplatesfield |
A table field in reports views. |
wordreporttemplatesmodifierfield |
A table field in reports views. |
wordreporttemplatesrecipientsfield |
A table field in reports views. |
wordreporttemplatestypefield |
A table field in reports views. |
Template files in the PG folder:
File |
Usage in View Generation |
actionhierarchytreeview |
EA/PD Actions view. |
actionjshierarchy_row |
A row in Processes / Actions hierarchy view. |
analysishierarchytreeview |
EA/PD Analysis view. |
AvailableModels |
List of models available for use. |
customattr_row |
Custom attribute row. |
customattributeselection |
Custom attribute selection. |
customhierarchyframeview |
EA/PD Navigator view. |
customhierarchytreeview |
Tree in EA/PD Navigator view. |
customhierarchyview |
EA/PD Navigator view frameset. |
elementdet |
Details view for element. |
elementhierarchyview |
Processes/Navigator frameset view. |
error |
Error situation. |
externalmodeldet |
External model details view. |
externalmodellistwindow |
External model selection view. |
flowchart |
Diagram view. |
flowchartimage |
Diagram image |
flowchartselection |
Diagram selection. |
flowchart_sc |
Diagram view with SC links. |
flowdet |
Flow details view. |
groupdet |
Group details view. |
infitemdet |
Information Item details view. |
InfoItemlistwindow |
Information item list window. |
informationitemshierarchytreeview |
Information item hierarchy view. |
jsflowchartutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsobjectquerypgutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jspgdetailspaneutils |
JavaScript utility functions. Used in EA/PD Details Pane. |
listwindow |
List window. |
matriceshierarchytreeview |
Matrices navigation frame. |
matrixdesigner |
View Designer for Matrix views. |
matrixframeview |
Matrix view. |
matrixview |
Matrix view frameset. |
matrixview_excelexport |
Excel export of matrix view |
memorystate |
Memory state display. |
modeldet |
Old model details view. |
modelhierarchytreeview |
Model hierarchy view. |
modelversion |
Model details view. |
modelversionselection |
EA/PD model version selection for View Designer. |
myprocessesview |
My Processes section in the My Responsibilities view. |
myprocessesview_row |
Row in the My Processes section in the My Responsibilities view. |
navigator |
Template for hierarchies opened from the Search view. |
navigatorhierarchytreeview |
Processes / Navigator element hierarchy tree view. |
noteshierarchytreeview |
Notes hierarchy view. |
notelistwindow |
Note list. |
notesdet |
Note details view. |
organizationunithierarchytreeview |
Organization item hierarchy view. |
orgunitdet |
Organization item details view. |
orgunitsummary |
Organization item summary view |
parentlevel |
Used for selecting a diagram from a list of diagrams. |
pg_detailsview_connected_users |
Connected users section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_connected_users_row |
Row in the connected users section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_custom_attributes |
Custom attributes section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_custom_attributes_row |
Row in the custom attributes section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_description |
Description section in the details views. |
pg_detailsview_description_simple |
Simple description section in details views. |
pg_detailsview_firsttablecaptionstart |
Initializes table caption description class according to whether description is shown or not. |
pg_detailsview_flows |
A section in details view. |
pg_detailsview_footer |
Footer section in details views. |
pg_detailsview_graph |
Graph section in details views. |
pg_detailsview_incomingflows |
Incoming flows section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_incomingflows_row |
Row in the incoming flows section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_informationitems |
Information items section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_informationitems_row |
Row in the information items section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_measures |
Measures section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_measures_row |
Row in the measures section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_notes |
Notes section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_notes_row |
Row in the notes section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_object_row |
Single element row in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_organizationunits |
Organization items section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_organizationunits_row |
Row in the organization items section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_organization_children |
Sub organization items section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_organization_children_row |
Row in the sub organization items section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_organization_processlevels |
Diagram listing in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_organization_processlevels_row |
Row in the diagram listing in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_organization_processsteps |
Process steps section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_organization_resources |
Resources section in a details view for organizations. |
pg_detailsview_outgoingflows |
Outgoing flows section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_outgoingflows_row |
Row in the outgoing flows section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_processlevels |
Diagrams section in the details view. |
pg_detailsview_processlevels_row |
Row template used by pg_detailsview_processlevels. |
pg_detailsview_processsteps |
Process steps section in the details view. |
pg_detailsview_processsteps_row |
Row template used by pg_detailsview_processsteps. |
pg_detailsview_recentactions |
Recent action section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_recentactions_row |
Row in the recent actions section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_resources |
Resources section in the details view. |
pg_detailsview_resources_row |
Row in the resources section in a details view. |
pg_detailsview_sclinks |
QPR Metrics links section in a details view. |
pg_modeldetails_custom_attributes.tpl |
Custom attributes in model details view. |
popup_scsettings |
Metrics link settings popup view. |
popup_viewsettings |
View Settings dialog. |
popup_zoomselect |
Zoom size selection dialog. |
portalelementorgunitdet |
Organization unit details view. |
portalelementresourcedet |
Resource details view. |
portalmodeldet |
Model details view. |
powerpointflowchartexporter |
PowerPoint export of diagram views. |
processanalysisframeview |
EA/PD analysis view. |
processanalysisview |
EA/PD Analysis view. |
processguideattachedelementsfield |
Processes / Analysis / Attached elements field. |
processguidemodelhierarchy_row |
A JavaScript row in a model hierarchy view. |
processmapshierarchytreeview |
Diagrams hierarchy view. |
psstepdet |
Process step details view. |
redirect |
Redirection template. |
resdet |
Resource details view. |
resource |
Resources view. |
resourceshierarchytreeview |
Resources hierarchy view. |
storedet |
Store details view. |
subpsdet |
Diagram details view. |
subpssummary |
Diagram view. |
tablerow_singlecell |
Table row with one column. |
tablerow_twocells |
Table row with two columns. |
table_singlecell |
Example template for some tags (those tags are explicitly commented in the templates they are used in). |
unresolvedparams |
View for inputting unresolved custom attribute parameters. |
unresolvedparamsrow |
Row in the unresolved parameters view. |
Template files in the SC folder:
File |
Usage in View Generation |
actionhierarchytreeview |
Hierarchy view for Actions section under the Scorecards tab. |
analysishierarchytreeview |
Hierarchy view for Analysis section under the Scorecards tab. |
bookletitem_alerts |
Alerts booklet item |
bookletitem_definitions |
Definitions booklet item |
bookletitem_information_items |
Information items booklet item |
bookletitem_linked_data |
Linked data booklet item |
bookletitem_recent_actions |
Recent actions booklet item |
bookletitem_sub_elements |
Sub-elements booklet item |
bookletitem_values |
Values booklet item |
informationitemdetailsview |
Information item details. |
informationitemlistview |
Information items list. |
jsobjectqueryscutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsscitemlaytoutviews |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsscprinting |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jssvg |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jssvgcommonscripts |
JavaScript utility functions. Used in graphical views. |
measureanalysisframeview |
Scorecards/Analysis view. |
measureanalysisview |
Scorecards/Analysis view. |
measurehierarchyframeview |
Scorecards/Navigator view. |
measurehierarchytreeview |
Scorecards/Navigator tree view. |
measurehierarchyview |
Scorecards/Navigator frameset view. |
measureseriesandperiodselection |
Used in the view designer. |
navigatorhierarchytreeview |
Scorecards/Navigator view. |
powerpointscorecardexporter |
PowerPoint export of Metrics views. |
sc_alertconfigview |
Alert editor. |
sc_alertlistview |
Alert list view. |
sc_alertlistview_row |
Row in the alert list. |
sc_alertlistview_row_ro |
Row in the alert list without the Edit button. |
sc_bestperformanceview |
Best Performance section in the What's New view. |
sc_blank |
Empty view. |
sc_ceframeview |
Dashboard view with SVG. |
sc_ceframeview_silverlight |
Dashboard view with Silverlight. |
sc_ceview |
Dashboards view frameset. |
sc_ceview_pg |
EA/PD Dashboards view. |
sc_ceview_silverlight |
Silverlight version of the Dashboards view. |
sc_close |
Used in some cases to refresh portal views after user operations. |
sc_createelement |
Create Metrics element. |
sc_elementview |
Element view. |
sc_elementview_alerts |
Alerts section in the element view in details mode. |
sc_elementview_alerts_row |
Row in the alerts section. |
sc_elementview_details |
Details mode of the Element view. |
sc_elementview_editvalues |
Value editor. |
sc_elementview_description |
Description section in the Element view. |
sc_elementview_graph_svg |
SVG version of the Graph section in the Element View. |
sc_elementview_graph_silverlight |
Silverlight version of the Graph section in the Element View. |
sc_elementview_graphsettings |
Graph Settings dialog. |
sc_elementview_infoitems |
Information items section in the element view in details mode. |
sc_elementview_infoitems_row |
Row in the information items section. |
sc_elementview_layouttemplates |
Layout template selection view. |
sc_elementview_layouttemplates_row |
Row in the layout template selection view. |
sc_elementview_linkeddata |
Linked data section in the element view in details mode. |
sc_elementview_linkeddata_row |
Row in the linked data section. |
sc_elementview_recenteventrow |
Row in the Recent actions section in the element view. |
sc_elementview_recentevents |
Recent actions section in the element view. |
sc_elementview_showvalues |
View for showing all measure values. Accessible through the Element view. |
sc_elementview_showvalues_excelexport |
Excel export of Metrics values table. |
sc_elementview_subelements |
Sub-elements section in the element view in details mode. |
sc_elementview_subelements_row |
Row in the sub-elements section. |
sc_elementview_summary |
Summary mode of the Element View. |
sc_elementview_values |
Values section in the element view in details view. |
sc_itemselection |
View settings selection dialog. |
sc_itemselection_item |
Item in the view settings selection dialog. |
sc_jsviewutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
sc_linkeddataview |
Linked elements view. |
sc_meadefinition |
Measure definition editor. |
sc_meadefinition_userrole_row.tpl |
Role row in the user role listing in the measure definition view. |
sc_measuresthinview_row |
Displays measures in the best and worst performance lists in Portal's My Contents/What’s New view. |
sc_measuresview_row |
Displays measures in the My measures list in Portal's My Contents/My Responsibilities view. |
sc_messageview |
View for various messages. |
sc_modelselection |
Model selection view. |
sc_modelselection_item |
Item in the model selection view. |
sc_modelversion |
Model version view. |
sc_mymeasuresview |
My Measures section in the My Responsibilities view. |
sc_myscorecardsview |
My Scorecards section in the My Responsibilities view. |
sc_objectlistview |
Used for displaying lists of secondary elements and information items. |
sc_periodhierarchyview |
Period selection view. |
sc_portalelementinformation |
Used in some cases to display measure data for measures in the My Contents/My Responsibilities view. |
sc_portalinfoitemview |
Information items view. |
sc_reportframeview |
Frameset for report view. |
sc_reportview |
Report view. |
sc_scframeview |
Hierarchy view with SVG. |
sc_scframeview_silverlight |
Hierarchy view with Silverlight. |
sc_scorecardsview_row |
Displays scorecards in the My Scorecards list in Portal's My Contents/My responsibilities view. |
sc_scview |
Hierarchy view. |
sc_scview_silverlight |
Silverlight version of the Hierarchy view. |
sc_statusoptionview |
Status options view. |
sc_subelementsview |
Sub-elements view. |
sc_worstperformanceview |
Worst Performance section in the What's New view. |
scorecardshierarchytreeview |
Scorecards hierarchy view. |
strategymapshierarchytreeview |
Dashboards hierarchy view. |
Template files in the Portal folder:
File |
Usage in View Generation |
actionanalysisframeview |
Actions analysis view. |
actionanalysishierarchytreeview |
Action Analysis view with hierarchy. |
actionanalysisview |
Action Analysis view without hierarchy. |
actionbytimeframeview |
Actions / By Time view. |
actionbytimehierarchytreeview |
Actions / By Time hierarchy tree view. |
actionbytimeview |
Actions / By Time hierarchy tree frameset view. |
actionbyuserframeview |
Actions / By User view. |
actionbyuserhierarchyfooter |
Actions / By User hierarchy tree view footer. |
actionbyuserhierarchytreeview |
Actions / By User hierarchy tree view. |
actionbyuserview |
Actions / By User hierarchy tree frameset view. |
actiondiscussionhierarchytreeview |
Action Discussion view with hierarchy. |
actionhierarchyframeview |
Actions hierarchy view. |
actionhierarchytreeview |
Action hierarchy view (upper frame). |
actionhierarchyview |
Action hierarchy view frameset. |
actionsview_row |
Row in the action listing. |
alertsview |
My Alerts view. |
association_footer |
Action details view footer. |
associationactiondateattributedetails |
Template for the details of a action date type of action attribute. |
associationactiondateattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a action date type of action attribute. |
associationactionplannotification |
Template for the e-mail message sent as notification when "Notify via e-mail" is used in action editor when an action plan is being edited. |
associationattachmentuploadview |
Attachment upload view. |
associationattributeeditorgroup |
Action attribute group in action editor view. |
associationattributegroup |
Action attribute group in action details view. |
associationbooleanattributedetails |
Details for boolean type action attribute. |
associationbooleanattributeeditor |
Editor for boolean type action attribute. |
associationchangelog_row |
Single row in action change log. |
associationchangelogview |
Action change log view. |
associationcommentnotification |
Template for the e-mail message sent as notification when "Notify via e-mail" is used in action editor when a comment is being edited. |
associationdateattributedetails |
Template for the details of a date type of action attribute. |
associationdateattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a date type of action attribute. |
associationdatestampattributedetails |
Template for the details of a date stamp type of action attribute. |
associationdatestampattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a date stamp type of action attribute. |
associationdatetimeattributedetails |
Template for the details of a date/time type of action attribute. |
associationdatetimeattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a date/time type of action attribute. |
associationdetailsmandatoryfields |
Details for mandatory action attribute. |
associationdetailsview |
Main template for action details view. |
associationdocumentnotification |
Template for the e-mail message sent as notification when "Notify via e-mail" is used in action editor when a document is being edited. |
associationeditorframeview |
Frameset for the action editor. |
associationeditormandatoryfields |
Editor for mandatory action attribute. |
associationeditorview |
Main template for action editor view |
associationembeddedfileattributedetails |
An action details field. |
associationembeddedfileattributeeditor |
An action editor field. |
associationexternalobjectattributedetails |
Template for the details of an external object type of action attribute (external parent element) |
associationexternalobjectattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of an external object type of action attribute (external parent element) |
associationfloatattributedetails |
Template for the details of a decimal type of action attribute |
associationfloatattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a decimal type of action attribute |
associationhierarchyheaderview |
Main template for the header used in action hierarchy view when it is not opened inside the portal frameset. |
associationhierarchytreeview |
Main template for the action hierarchy tree shown in the action hierarchy frameset. |
associationhierarchyview |
Main template for the action hierarchy view frameset. |
associationintegerattributedetails |
Template for the details of an integer type of action attribute. |
associationintegerattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of an integer type of action attribute. |
associationlessonnotification |
Template for the e-mail message sent as notification when "Notify via e-mail" is used in action editor when a lesson is being edited. |
associationmultilinestringattributedetails |
Details for multi-line string type action attribute. |
associationmultilinestringattributeeditor |
Editor for multi-line string type action attribute. |
associationmyelementinfo |
Generic template for action type specific My Responsibilities view. Used in the case if a template specific for the action type cannot be found. |
associationmyelementinfoactionplan |
Template for the information column in My Responsibilities view for an action plan type of action. |
associationmyelementinfocomment |
Template for the information column in My Responsibilities view for a comment type of action. |
associationmyelementinfodocument |
Template for the information column in My Responsibilities view for a document type of action. |
associationmyelementinfolesson |
Template for the information column in My Responsibilities view for a lesson type of action. |
associationmyelementinforisk |
Template for the information column in My Responsibilities view for a risk type of action. |
associationmyelementinfostrategyitem |
Template for the information column in My Responsibilities view for a strategy item type of action. |
associationnotification |
Generic template for action type specific e-mail notification. Used in the case if a template specific for the action type cannot be found. |
associationobjectsattributedetails |
An action details field. |
associationobjectsattributeeditor |
An action editor field |
associationoptionstringattributedetails |
Template for the details of an option string type of action attribute. |
associationoptionstringattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of an option string type of action attribute. |
associationownerattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of an owner action attribute. |
associationparentobjectsattributedetails |
Template for the details of a parent objects type of action attribute (action parents). |
associationparentobjectsattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a parent objects type of action attribute (action parents). |
associationpercentageattributedetails |
Template for the details of a percentage type of action attribute. |
associationpercentageattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a percentage type of action attribute. |
associationrecentmodificationinfo |
Generic template for action type specific What's New view. Used in the case if a template specific for the action type cannot be found. |
associationrecentmodificationinfoactionplan |
Template for the information column in What's New view for an action plan type of action. |
associationrecentmodificationinfocomment |
Template for the information column in What's New view for a comment type of action. |
associationrecentmodificationinfodocument |
Template for the information column in What's New view for a document type of action. |
associationrecentmodificationinfolesson |
Template for the information column in What's New view for a lesson type of action. |
associationrecentmodificationinforisk |
Template for the information column in What's New view for a risk type of action. |
associationrecentmodificationinfostrategyitem |
Template for the information column in What's New view for a strategy item type of action. |
associationreportgenerationgroupfooter |
A report details field. |
associationriskimpactattributedetails |
Template for the details of a risk impact type of action attribute. |
associationriskimpactattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a risk impact type of action attribute. |
associationriskimpactminimizationattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a risk impact minimization type of action attribute. |
associationriskmitigationattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a risk mitigation type of action attribute. |
associationrisknotesattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a risk notes type of action attribute. |
associationrisknotification |
Template for the e-mail message sent as notification when "Notify via e-mail" is used in action editor when a risk is being edited. |
associationriskprobabilityattributedetails |
Template for the details of a risk probability type of action attribute. |
associationriskprobabilityattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a risk probability type of action attribute. |
associationscheduleattributeeditor |
A report editor field. |
associationsettingsattributedetails |
An action details field. |
associationsettingsattributeeditor |
An action editor field. |
associationstrategyitemnotification |
Template for the e-mail message sent as notification when "Notify via e-mail" is used in action editor when a strategy item is being edited. |
associationstringattributedetails |
Template for the details of a string type of action attribute. |
associationstringattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a string type of action attribute. |
associationstringdictionaryattributedetails |
An action details field. |
associationstringdictionaryattributeeditor |
An action editor field. |
associationsymbolattributedetails |
An action details field. |
associationsymbolattributeeditor |
An action editor field. |
associationtimeattributedetails |
Template for the details of a time type of action attribute. |
associationtimeattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a time type of action attribute. |
associationuserattributedetails |
Template for the details of a user type of action attribute. |
associationuserattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of a user type of action attribute. |
associationusersattributedetails |
Template for the details of multiple users contained in an action attribute. |
associationusersattributeeditor |
Template for the editor of multiple users contained in an action attribute. |
associationusersattributedetails |
An action details field. |
associationusersattributeeditor |
An action editor field. |
associationwordreportcategoryattributeeditor |
An action editor field. |
associationwordreporttemplatecategoryattributeeditor |
A report editor field. |
associationwordreporttemplatee-mailattributeeditor |
A report editor field. |
associationwordreporttemplatehistoryattributeeditor |
A report editor field. |
associationwordreporttemplatelastgenerationstatusattributeeditor |
A report editor field. |
associationwordreporttemplatelasttimepublishedattributeeditor |
A report editor field. |
associationwordreporttemplatepublishedforeachuserseparetlyattributeeditor |
A report editor field. |
associationworkflowboundtotypesattributeeditor |
A report editor field. |
associationworkflowdefinitionattributedetails |
A workflow details field. |
associationworkflowdefinitionattributeeditor |
A workflow editor field. |
basketitemsselectionview |
Shows the view in which items can be selected to be added to the basket. |
bookletaddpageitem |
Shows the booklet page item editor. |
bookletcloseandrefresh |
Template used for refreshing the booklet management view and closing the current browser frame. |
bookletpageitempreview |
Shows the booklet preview view. |
bookletpageitemproperties |
Shows the properties of a booklet page item. |
bookletpageitemsview |
Shows the page items editor view for a booklet. |
bookletpagepreview |
Shows the booklet page preview view. |
bookletpageproperties |
Shows the properties of a briefing booklet page. |
bookletpageproperties_customurl |
Shows the properties of custom URL type booklet page. |
bookletpageproperties_view |
Shows the properties of view type booklet page. |
bookletpageview |
Shows the booklet page creation page. |
bookletprintpreview |
Shows the booklet print preview view. |
bookletprintpreview_nopdf |
Shows the booklet print preview (non-PDF). |
booklettemplatepreview_pageinfo |
Template used to show page information in booklets. |
booklettextitemview |
Shows the editor for single booklet text item. |
bookmarkeditorview |
Shows the bookmark editor. |
brokenbookmarkview |
Shows a notification about a bookmarked view being unavailable. |
calendar |
Calendar control. |
closewindow |
Template file used for closing the browser window. |
createbookletview |
Create new briefing booklet view. |
createwordreportview |
Create a report. |
discussionhierarchyfooter |
Footer for action list in the portal hierarchy view in Actions/Discussion view. |
dueactionplansview |
Due action plans view in My Contents/What’s New view. |
dueactionplansview_row |
Displays an action plan in the due action plans list in Portal's My Contents/What’s New view. |
footerview |
Footer view shown at the bottom of the main portal view. |
headeritem |
Template for a single tab in the header view. |
headersearchitem |
Search item in the header view of the main portal view. |
headersubitem |
Template for a single view button in the header view. |
headertoolbar |
Template for the toolbar in which the tab buttons are located in the hierarchy view. |
headerview |
The topmost frame in the portal main view frameset. |
headerwordreportsviewitem |
Used in Reports tab. |
hierarchyheaderview |
The view shown at the top of the hierarchy frameset. |
hierarchytreeview |
The hierarchy view shown in the hierarchy frameset for selecting views shown in the information view. |
homehierarchytreeview |
My Contents / Home hierarchy view. |
informationheaderview |
The toolbar shown in the information view. |
jsassociationutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsbasketobject |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsbookmarkutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsloginutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
jsmandatoryattributevalidator |
Validator JavaScript for mandatory attributes. |
jsobjectqueryportalutils |
JavaScript utility functions. |
linkedobject_row |
Used to display child actions and attachments in action hierarchies and analysis views. |
loginincorrectview |
The view shown when incorrect login information is given in the login view. |
logoutview |
Logout view. |
mainview |
Is the main view for the whole QPR Portal, includes framesets etc. |
managebasketview |
Shows the basket manager view. |
managebookletsview |
Shows the booklet manager view. |
messageview |
Shows various messages. |
myactionplansview |
My Action Plans section in the My Responsibilities view. |
myactionplansview_row |
Row in the My Action Plans section. |
myactionsview |
My Actions section in the My Responsibilities view. |
mybookletsview |
Shows the list of briefing booklets. |
myelementstable |
Table used for showing one responsibility category. |
myelementsview |
Shows the list of responsibilities for the current user. |
myresponsibilitiesview |
Template for the My Responsibilities view. |
myresponsibilitiesview_summary |
Template for the Summary mode of the My Responsibilities view. |
mywordreportsview |
My Reports view. |
printview |
Opened by clicking the print button in the information view toolbar. |
qprhomeview |
Shows the Home view. |
qprloginpromptview |
Login view. |
qprloginview |
Frameset for the login view. |
recentactionsview |
Recent Actions section in the What's New view. |
recentmodifications |
Recent Modifications section in the What's New view. |
searchresultgroup |
Search results from single product. |
searchview |
Shows Search view. |
separatoreditorview |
Shows the separator editor view. |
settingsmybookmarksview |
Shows the manage my bookmarks view. |
settingsmyprofileview |
Shows settings view for user information. |
settingspublicbookmarksview |
Shows the manage public bookmarks view. |
subheaderitem |
Template for a single view button in the header view. |
subheaderseparator |
Template for the separator used between view buttons in the header view. |
subheadertoolbar |
Template for the toolbar in which the view buttons are located in the hierarchy view. |
userselectionview |
Shows the view from which a multiple users can be selected. |
viewsettingseditorview |
View settings editor view. |
viewsettingsselectionview |
View settings selection view. |
whatsnewview |
Shows the What's New view of portal. |
whatsnewview_summary |
Summary mode of the What's New view. |
wordreportcloseandrefresh |
Used in reports views. |
wordreporthierarchytreeview |
Reports view navigation frame. |
wordreportsframeview |
Reports view. |
wordreportsview |
Reports view frameset. |
wordreporttemplatehierarchytreeview |
Report templates view navigation frame. |
wordreporttemplatesframeview |
Report templates view. |
wordreporttemplatesview |
Report templates frameset. |
workflowsframeview |
Workflows view. |
workflowshierarchytreeview |
Workflows view navigation frame. |
workflowsview |
Workflows view frameset. |
workflowticketsframeview |
Workflow tickets view. |
workflowticketshierarchytreeview |
Workflow tickets view navigation frame |
workflowticketsview |
Workflow tickets view frameset. |
Configuration (.ini) files in the Portal folder:
File |
Usage in view generation |
actionanalysisfields |
Defines the fields available in the action analysis view. |
actionheaderitems |
Defines the view buttons shown in actions tab. |
actionhiearchyfields |
Defines the fields available in the action hierarchy view. |
actionlist |
Defines the templates used in action listings. |
actionsbyuserfields |
Defines the Actions / By User view. |
discussionfields |
Defines the templates used in action discussion fields. |
documentsheaderitems |
Placeholder for headeritems.ini customizations. |
headeritems |
Defines the tabs in the header view. |
mycontentsheaderitems |
Defines the view buttons shown in the my contents tab. |
processesheaderitems |
Defines the view buttons shown in the processes tab. |
qlikviewheaderitems |
Defines the view buttons shown in the analytics tab. |
quicklinksrefresh |
Configuration for refreshing portal quick links after change. |
reportsheaderitems |
Reports tab items. |
scorecardsheaderitems |
Defines the view buttons shown in the scorecards tab. |
viewsettingslist |
View settings list. |
wordreportsfields |
Reports view table fields. |
wordreporttemplatesfields |
Report templates view table fields. |
workflowfields |
Workflow view fields. |
workflowsheaderitems |
Workflows tab items. |
workflowticketfields |
Workflow tickets view fields. |
Configuration (.ini) files in the SC folder:
File |
Usage in view generation |
hierarchyfields |
Defines the templates used in dynamic hierarchy views. |
measureanalysisfields |
Defines the fields available in the SC Analysis View. |
measurehierarchyfields |
Defines the fields available in the SC Navigator View. |
Configuration (.ini) files in the PG folder:
File |
Usage in view generation |
actionshierarchyfields |
Processes / Actions view configuration. |
elementhierarchyfields |
Processes / Navigator view configuration. |
hierarchyfields |
Defines the templates used in dynamic hierarchy views. |
modelhierarchyfields |
Configuration for QPR Modeling Client model selection. |
processanalysisfields |
Defines the fields available in the PG Analysis View. |
processlevelhierarchyfields |
Used to define fields available for diagram hierarchies shown in Portal hierarchy views in Analysis and Actions views under the Processes tab. |
Configuration (.ini) files in the Common\JsonFields folder:
File |
Usage in view generation |
generic |
Used in JSON tables. |
genericboundtotypes |
Used in JSON tables. |
Briefing booklet template folder has following structure:
- | Booklet: Root folder. |
o | Booklets: Templates for briefing booklets. |
o | Pages: Templates for briefing pages. |
The default templates for the briefing booklets are described in the following table:
File |
Description |
Basic_Booklet_One_Page.tpl |
Basic template that contains one page. |
Basic_Booklet_Two_Page.tpl |
Basic template that contains two pages. |
The default templates for the briefing pages are described in the following table:
File |
Description |
Basic_Page_One_Column.tpl |
Basic template for briefing page that contains briefing items in one column. |
Basic_Page_Two_Columns.tpl |
Basic template for briefing page that contains briefing items in two columns. |
Basic_Page_Three_Columns.tpl |
Basic template for briefing page that contains briefing items in three columns. |
Basic_Page_Four_Columns.tpl |
Basic template for briefing page that contains briefing items in four columns. |
Basic_Page_Table_of_Contents.tpl |
Basic template for page showing the table of contents. |
Basic_Page_Table_of_Contents_row.tpl |
Subtemplate for "Basic_Page_Table_of_Contents.tpl", this template defines one row in the table of contents. |
booklet_twopages_middle.tpl |
Utility template displaying the binder in the middle of two-page booklet layouts. |
In the root folder (Booklet), there is also one example template for e-mail notification: booklet_notification.ini.
The following tags can be used in booklet notifications:
Tag |
Description |
<#name> |
Name of the booklet. |
<#description> |
Description of the booklet. |
<#link> |
Basic link to the booklet. This link will require separate authentication when opened. |