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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal Training Guide > Customizing Your Personal Settings

    Bookmarking Your Favorite Views of QPR Portal

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    Users of QPR Portal can bookmark their favorite and most important views that are used daily, in order to have access to the relevant information easily. Administrators can also define shared bookmarks that are visible to all or a selected group of users. The list of your bookmarked views and shared bookmarks is shown in the Home page of the My Contents tab.


    mouse_24 Exercise 13: Bookmark Some of the Views in QPR Portal.


    BTN_AR131. On the Scorecards tab, select the Hierarchy Views view.
    BTN_AR132. On the Toolbar, click btn_bookmark Bookmark.
    BTN_AR133. The Create New Bookmark window opens. This time, we'll want everyone to be able to use the bookmark, so select Everyone from the Publish To section:


    BTN_AR134. Click OK.
    BTN_AR135. Switch to the Dashboards view and create a bookmark from that view too.

    For more information, see the Bookmarks topic in QPR Portal - User's Guide.