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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal Training Guide > Modifying Values and Creating Actions

    Creating a New Alert for an Element

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    mouse_24 Exercise 8: Create a New Alert for the 'Logistics Cost / Sales' Element in the US West Scorecard.


    BTN_AR131. On the Scorecards tab, click Navigator.
    BTN_AR132. On the Navigation Frame, click the icon_expand buttons to expand the scorecard hierarchy and select the US West Coast scorecard:


    BTN_AR133. In the Viewing Frame, click the icon_expand buttons to expand the Logistics Efficiency hierarchy and click the Logistics Costs / Sales element:


    BTN_AR134. On the Details Pane, click the name of the Logistics Costs / Sales element:


    BTN_AR135. The Element View opens. On the Toolbar, click btn_show Show Details:


    BTN_AR136. In the Element View, click btn_add Add in the Alerts section:


    BTN_AR137. The Create New Alert window opens.
    BTN_AR138. Select Value Enters Range Poor as the Alert Type.
    BTN_AR139. The Alert should now look as in the picture below. Click Submit to add the alert.



    For more information, see the Creating and Editing Alerts topic in QPR Portal - User's Guide.