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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal Training Guide > Briefing Booklets

    Creating Text Items to Describe Collected Briefing Items

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    Text items are entities which contain plain text entered by you. Items can be placed in the booklet pages and even so that the same item exists on several pages.


    mouse_24 Exercise 21: Create Text Items to Describe the Briefing Items We Have Collected.


    BTN_AR131. On the My Contents tab, select the My Briefings view:


    BTN_AR132. On the Toolbar, click btn_manage_briefing_booklets Manage Briefing Booklets.
    BTN_AR133. The Manage Briefing Booklets window opens. From Briefing Booklets list, select the Logistics Division Monthly Briefing booklet, and select the Text Items tab:


    BTN_AR134. Click Add.
    BTN_AR135. The Add Text Item window opens. Enter "USA Sales Office" in the Name field and "This indicator shows the Logistics Costs / Sales value of the Dentorex Group USA Sales Office" in the Text field.
    BTN_AR136. Click OK.
    BTN_AR137. Similarly, create the text items "Europe Sales Office" and "Asia Sales Office".