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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Processes > Detail View

    Detail View for Process Steps

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    Field Name


    Process Step

    Process step's name.


    The process step's unique symbol.

    Process Step Type

    Process step's type.


    Diagrams where the process step appears on.


    Process step's description.

    Organization Items

    Organization items the process step belongs to.


    Process step's owner.

    Incoming Flows

    Lists all the flows that come into the process step. Flows and their source process steps are listed in their respective columns.

    Outgoing Flows

    Lists all the flows that go out from the process step. Flows and their destination process steps are listed in their respective columns.


    Notes connected to the process step.


    Resources connected to the process step.

    Information Items

    Information items connected to the process step.

    QPR Metrics link

    Provides a link to a linked scorecard measure and displays the name of model and the scorecard containing the linked measure.

    Model Name

    Name of the model where the process step is included in.


    Date and time when the model was created.