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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Installation Instructions


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    This chapter provides help on the problems you might encounter during QPR 2023.1 installation.


    Q: I just installed QPR 2023 to a machine containing also a QPR 8 installation, and my server components won't start.


    A: Both QPR 2023 and QPR 8 servers use the same default ports, so in the case you have e.g. QPR 8 running as a service in the background, the ports are already in use, and you must either shut down the QPR 8 servers or change the ports QPR 2023 is using.



    Q: I just modified my QPR 2023.1 installation, but my QPR Foundation Server won't start anymore.


    A: Launch QPR Activation Utility to see your product activation status. Note that a Modify installation won't require reactivation unless you install some previously uninstalled items that require activation. Even if this is not the case, your transient product activation might have expired. If the product activation status is correct, launch the QPR Configuration Manager and go to the Database operations section. See that the data source is correct. Click the Test button to test your database configuration.



    Q: Servers are installed and work properly, but I cannot connect to the servers with my Designers.


    A: Check that your firewall allows traffic to the ports used by QPR servers.



    Q: I get an error message stating that Microsoft .NET Framework installation appears to have failed during QPR 2023.1 installation.


    A: This can occur if a Windows update that's being applied to the .NET Framework during the installation fails to install or there are pending reboots from other updates. If you encounter this issue, it's advisable to verify that your computer has the latest Windows updates installed and reboot the computer prior to QPR 2023.1 installation. Note that if you choose to install .NET Framework separately after the QPR installation, you will most likely have to manually remove handler mappings that conflict with QPR Web Services Foundation in the QPR2023-1 IIS application (see Appendix C for more information).



    Q: I get an error message like "Could not load Resource Library. error code: 126" or "VCRUNTIME140.dll missing".


    A: This can occur if the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable installation has failed or it was removed after QPR 2023 was installed. Download and install the redistributable from or try running the QPR 2023 installer in repair mode.