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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Administrator's Guide > QPR Product Activation > QPR License Policy

    License Usage Report

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    You can generate a report of the license usage within your organization. To generate the report, launch QPR UMS Client from the command line with the /createactivationreport switch. You can optionally provide also /userid <your username> and /password <your password> switches. If you use the /userid and /password switches, the report is generated silently. Otherwise a login dialog for the QPR UMS Client is shown.


    Example 1:


    QPR.UMS.Client.exe /createactivationreport


    The command above opens the QPR UMS Client login dialog, and after a successful authentication the report is created.


    Example 2:


    QPR.UMS.Client.exe /createactivationreport /userid qpr /password demo


    The command above creates the report silently (replace the qpr/demo with your actual user account).


    The report itself will be located in the Logs folder at C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2023\2023.1\Clients\Logs\. The file is called ProductActivationReport_<date and time>.txt.


    The file contains information on how many licenses have been activated and how many of them are in use. In addition, there are details available for users and groups. For different rights there's either a dash indicating that the right has not been granted or an abbreviation of the granted rights. The legend at the end of the report lists the abbreviations.