Activating purchased QPR Products has been made as easy as possible with automatic activation via web. As a last step of QPR 2023 installation, the QPR Activation Utility is launched in the case you select so. The QPR Activation Utility guides you through the process providing you with two different activation methods:
•Automatic Activation via Web – Organization can activate the product automatically over the Internet and start using the software immediately.
•Manual Activation via E-mail – Organization can activate the product by e-mailing QPR Customer Care.
With the first option it is not necessary to contact QPR Customer Care to activate the software. The QPR Product Activation Server works 24 hours a day 7 days a week listening for activation requests. The only thing needed is a valid Product Activation Code. Product Activation Codes are automatically created and sent to all QPR maintenance customers.
The following process drawing describes the whole product activation process and the roles of QPR Partners and QPR: