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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Scorecards

    Locking and Offset with Periods and Series

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    This section lists the special issues that affect periods and series displayed in indicators, history charts and other layout items in various Portal views.



    Periods and series can be locked in QPR Metrics client to display only their default values in QPR Portal. Changing period or series settings in QPR Portal will not affect these items.



    Indicators, history charts and other layout items displaying a value for a certain period (or a range of periods starting from a certain period) can have a period offset defined for them in QPR Metrics client, and that offset is always applied to any period selections done in QPR Portal. For example, if some item has a period offset of -2 and Q3 2006 is selected (or displayed) as the period in QPR Portal, the item uses Q1 2006 as its period.