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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal Training Guide > Modifying Values and Creating Actions

    Modifying the Actual Values of a Measure

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    The exercise in this section requires that "Microsoft Silverlight" is selected as the Graphical views technology in QPR Configuration Manager.


    mouse_24 Exercise 6: Modify the Actual Values of the 'Market Share' Measure in the Asia Sales Office Scorecard.


    BTN_AR131. On the Scorecards tab, click Hierarchy Views.
    BTN_AR132. On the Navigation Frame, click the icon_expand button next to the Dentorex Group scorecard to expand the scorecard hierarchy and select the Asia Sales Office scorecard:



    BTN_AR133. In the Viewing Frame, click the "+" icon on top of the Growth element (available only when "Microsoft Silverlight" is selected as the Graphical views technology in QPR Configuration Manager):


    BTN_AR134. In the Viewing Frame, click the Market Share element:


    BTN_AR135. On the Details Pane, switch to the Values tab and click Edit:


    BTN_AR136. The Edit Values view opens. Type in new values in the Actual column:


    BTN_AR137. Click Submit to save the values.

    The values can now be seen in the Values tab section of the Details Pane.

    For more information, see the Edit Values View topic in QPR Portal - User's Guide.