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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Administrator's Guide > Maintenance

    Notes & Limitations

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    Archived Models


    Large models require a considerable amount of memory for QPR Metrics Server and QPR Web Application Server machines. To reduce memory consumption, large models can be archived through the Model Properties settings of the QPR Metrics.


    The QPR Web Application Server will not load archived models into the main memory and thus those models are not available on the QPR Portal. However, opening an archived model with QPR Metrics client is possible. When the model is opened, QPR Metrics Server will read it into the RAM and when it is closed, the allocated memory will be freed, which is not the case with regular models.


    Inter-model references to elements of an archived model cannot be created and any existing references cannot be refreshed until archiving is switched off. Furthermore, all scheduled tasks for an archived model are suspended.


    Configuration Utilities


    At the moment the QPR Configuration Manager cannot cope with the Far East double-byte characters as an input. Therefore it is important that only ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) characters will be used with the input fields. To avoid problems, make sure that all QPR components will be installed along a path, which does not contain any double-byte characters.




    Options such as Category, Status and Severity options in different actions in the QPR Portal are not part of the localization. Therefore option strings are always in English regardless of the Portal's language setting. For information about customizing these options, see the Customizing Action Types for QPR Portal chapter under the Customizing QPR Portal chapter in QPR Developer's Guide.