PD/EA Alignment to Work on Diagram So That the Selected Element Is Used as Base (B-06852) |
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With the new system the element that has been selected and popup menu used stays (is used as base) and the other elements move.
Alignment is done by first selecting two or more elements from the diagram and then selecting the alignment edge from the pop-up menu. The elements can be aligned by their top, bottom, left or right edges. Elements can also be centered and distributed.
The default alignment is done with respect to the upper left corner of a rectangular area formed by the group of selected elements.
If you right-click an element on a diagram, and perform alignment using the pop-up menu, the alignment is based on the clicked element.
If you Shift-right-click an empty spot on a diagram, and perform alignment using the pop-up menu, the alignment works as default.
If you do the alignment using ribbon buttons, the alignment works as default.