QPR Suite 2023Fast Guide to Processes in QPR Portal This guide provides you with a quick overview to the most relevant functionality related to browsing process models in QPR Portal.
Opening Portal and Logging In Start the QPR Portal by selecting Start -> All Programs -> QPR Suite 2023 Servers -> QPR Portal.
You can login to the QPR Portal by entering your username and password to the fields on the left side. The default user for all QPR products is 'qpr' and the password is 'demo'.
Tabs of QPR Portal There are four main tabs available in QPR Portal: My Contents: Here you can see e.g. your bookmarks, responsibilities, and briefing booklets published to you. Processes: Here you can browse process models. This guide focuses mainly on this tab. Scorecards: Here you can view measures of your organization’s balanced scorecard. Actions: Here you can create and view actions related to process models, scorecards, and to your organization in general. |
Selecting Models To select a model, go to the Processes tab and click Select Model in the left frame. A dialog for selecting a model is displayed.
Navigation Navigating the process models is easy and straightforward. In the Diagrams view you can select the desired diagram from the navigation frame (A) and a diagram view for the corresponding level is opened in the viewing frame (B). The toolbar buttons function as follows:
Elements on Diagrams Clicking the element symbols opens the details of the elements or opens a new child diagram in the case the element is a diagram. You can identify diagrams by shadows behind the elements. Diagrams have a magnifying class icon for opening a details view and can include also an information item icon as well as indicators of linked QPR Metrics measures. A diagram element with attached information items and indicator from a linked QPR Metrics element
Bookmarking To bookmark the currently active diagram, click Bookmark in the toolbar above the diagram.
To change the default name of the bookmark, change the text in the Link name field. Click OK to create the bookmark.