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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide

    QPR Portal

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    QPR Portal provides the possibility to bookmark and customize your important information from your QPR software tools. QPR Portal includes the following pages:




    Opens QPR Portal, Metrics or Modeling Client help.

    QPR on the Web

    Opens QPR website resources page into a new browser window.


    Displays the page in which you can view and modify the settings of your QPR Portal.


    Ends your QPR Portal session.



    My Contents >> Home

    Displays the home view, which is either set to be a customized URL or the default QPR Portal page.


    Personal and shared bookmarks are on the left.

    My Contents >> What's New

    Displays the history of elements.

    My Contents >> My Responsibilities

    Lists all model elements of QPR Metrics and QPR Modeling Client the current user is responsible for.

    My Contents >> My Alerts

    Lists all e-mail alerts that the current user is receiving.

    My Contents >> My Briefings

    Displays all readable Briefing Booklets.


    Processes of QPR Modeling Client. Available only for QPR Modeling Client users.

    Hierarchy Views

    Hierarchy Views of QPR Metrics. Available only for Metrics users.


    Opens a view for adding, changing, deleting and browsing actions connected to model objects of QPR Metrics and QPR Modeling Client.



    btn_hidetree Hide tree

    Hides the tree located at the left side of the window.

    btn_hidetree_rtl Show tree

    Reveals the tree.



    Quick Search


    Enter your search criteria into the text field and click the Search button to perform a quick search in the Portal. If search criteria have not been defined, and the Search button is clicked, the normal Search view is opened.